Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Hazrat Musa (Kaleem Ullah)

The family tree of Hazrat Musa as per various Muslim writers and Genesis, Exodus, Numbers and Chronicles 1 of the Old Testament is as under:

Hazrat Yousaf/Joseph youngest son of Yaqub/Jacob and the brother of Levi, and his family settled in Egypt (Exodus 1:1 to 8 and 2:1 and 2). They were called the Israelites. (The word Israel means Abdullah – The Man of Allah). Gradually they increased in number and gained considerable power. These Israelites remained insulated and did not intermingle with native people as such they were considered as foreigners in Egypt.

Imran the father of Hazrat Musa was the only son of Kohath or Nahes according to most of the authors. However according to Mehfil e Imbiya by Muhammad Jamil Ahmed and the Old Testament he had three brothers namely Izehar, Hebron and Uzziel. However all unanimously agree that Hazrat Imran died before the birth of Hazrat Musa.

She was a pious, honest and God-fearing lady. There is a difference of opinion as regards to her name. According to Tareekh Ibn e Khaldun by Allama Abdur Rahman her name was Youhana. Where as, according to Mehfil e Imbiya by Muhammad Jamil Ahmed her name was Youked, and according to Qasas ul Anbiya by Hamid Sultan Qadri her name was Bibi. However the old Testaments does not give either name

Hazrat Musa had one brother who was three years elder to him. His name was Harun. He rendered complete support to Hazrat Musa in the implementation of God’s directives. He was married to Essa bint Emtilab and had four sons from her. They were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. Nadab and Abihu had died before Hazrat Musa was summoned to Prophethood. (Book of Numbers 3:1 to 3 Old Testament)

The name unanimously written by all the authors of Hazrat Musa’s sister was Mariyum. However no details regarding her own life is available.

The Kingdom of Pharaoh
The Arabic word Firaun used in the Quran literally means the ‘descendants of the sun-god’. The ancient Egyptians worshipped the sun, which they called Raa the supreme lord and the Firaun was so named after their supreme lord. According to creed of the ancient Egyptians every ruler based his authority on his relation to Raa and claimed to be his incarnation and representative on the earth. Therefore every royal dynasty that came into power in Egypt presented itself as the descendants of the sun -god and every ruler adopted the title of Firaun in order to show the people that he was the supreme lord.

The Quran does not provide with a name which would enable us to identify who the reigning Pharaoh was at the time of Exodus, any more than the Bible does. All that is known is that one of his counselors was called Haman. He is referred to Six times in the following surahs of the Quran: Surah Al Qasas (28:6,8 and 38), Surah Al-Ankabut (29:39) and Surah Al-Mu’min (40:24 and 36).

To establish a firm place for them in the land and to show Pharaoh Haman and their hosts at their hands the very things against which they were taking precautions. (28:6)

There seems to be two Pharaohs in the story related by the Qur’an. One was ruling over Egypt when Hazrat Musa was born and brought him up in his own house and the second was the one whom Musa invited to the Way of Allah and who was drowned. The research scholars of today are inclined to believe that the first of the two Pharaohs was Ramses II and the second was Mineptah. According to archaeological finds Ramses II ruled from 1292 to 1225 B.C, but according to the Jewish records, Hazrat Musa died in 1272 B.C. Therefore we find it hard to reconcile with these dates (The meaning of the Qur’an vol iv p 59.) However according to the Times Atlas of World History Ramses II ruled from 1304 to 1237 BC.

The second most important feature is as to who were these people. If we are in the Sinai Peninsula, two conjectures are possible.

The Amalekites of the Sinai Peninsula were at perpetual war with the Israelites. They were probably an idolatrous nation, but we have very little knowledge of their cult.

From Egyptian history we know that Egypt had worked from very ancient times some copper mines in Sinai. An Egyptian settlement may have been here. Like all mining camps it contained from the beginning the dregs of the population. When the mines ceased to be worked, the settlement, or what remained of it, must have degenerated further. Cut off from civilization, its cult must have become still narrower, without the refining influences, which a progressive nation applies even to its idolatry. Perhaps Apis, the sacred bull of Memphis, lost all its allegorical meaning for them, and only gross and superstitious rites remained among them. The text speaks of “some idols they had,” implying that they had merely a detached fragment of a complete religion. This was a snare in the path of the Israelites, whom many generations of slavery in Egypt had debased into ignorance and superstition.

If conjecture 2 in the last note is correct, this idolatrous worship was but the fragment of a ruin from Egypt, and Moses’ reproach is biting: “You, who have been rescued from the bondage of living Egypt, -do you hanker after the bondage of a dead cult debased even from that from which you have been rescued (Surah Al A’raf 7-139)

As to these folk the cult they are in is (but) a fragment of a ruin and vain is the (worship) which they practice. (7-139)

The Nightmare of Pharaoh
According to some historians one night Firaun in a dream saw that there are two trees rising up to the sky and the entire world is being covered by their shade. The next day Firaun called all his wizards, sorcerer and the theurgist to give the interpretation of the dream. All of them informed him that in the next three nights an Israeli woman would conceive a son who will destroy your kingdom and then rule the world. On hearing this, he ordered that for the next three nights no Israeli couple will either live in the same house nor will they have the required intimacy. For strict implementation he even ordered posting of guards in each Israeli house.

Hazrat Imran the father of Hazrat Musa was one of the trusted guards of the Firaun. On the third night Hazrat Imran’s duty was to guard the personal chamber of Firaun. His wife, after midnight went to see her husband and to her surprise the guards on the main gates, as were the guards inside the palace were fast asleep. She went straight to the chambers of Firaun where her husband was on duty. On seeing his wife in the palace that too when everybody was fast asleep they could not resist what was destined to happen. In the morning Firaun woke with a cynical smile presuming that he has managed to stop the prediction. But when he called his wizards and theurgists they confirmed to him what Allah had destined.

Barbarous Act of Pharaoh Towards Israelites
He was an arrogant, tyrant and powerful pharaoh. The thirst of becoming supreme led him to cross all the bonds of humanity and to start with he proclaimed himself to be a god. Thus in the pursuit of acquiring absolute power and submission of the people he gave miserable, barbaric and uncivilized treatment to the people of his kingdom. Among the masses the Israelites faced the brunt of his barbarism. They were chained, whipped and forced to work as slaves. He created an environment in which the Israelites were looked down upon in that society. They suffered badly due to destitution and indigence and some of them grew weak and died of starvation. Since he had failed to stop the conceiving of an Israeli child who would destroy his empire and further that he had proclaimed to be a god he held discussions with his counselors as to how to eliminate the Israeli child. They hatched a plan to oppress and persecute the Israelis in different ways and finally Pharaoh ordered that all male infants born in the families of the Israelites (Hebrews) should be put to death. All girls born were to be let free to be used by the Egyptians and the family will be paid 70 dinars. This tyrannical act of Pharaoh against the Israelites has been described in the following verses of the Holy Qur’an: “Surah Al Qasas (28-4)

Truly Pharaoh elated himself in the land and broke up its people into sections depressing a small group among them: their sons he slew but he kept alive their females: for he was indeed a maker of mischief (28-4)

The soldiers of Pharaohs army started complying with the orders of their king. And whenever they got wind of the male baby born to any family, they would yank him out of his mother’s arms. Regardless of the feelings of the crying mothers they threw the infants mercilessly into the river. It was a hideous act of cruelty but no one dared to disobey the orders of Pharaoh because everyone was terrified of the consequences. Many innocent babies were drowned in this way and numerous desolate parents expressed lamentations over the death of their dear ones.

The Birth of Hazrat Musa (Moses)
An Israelite woman, who lived in Goshen, a part of ancient Egypt gave birth to a male baby who was extremely beautiful. Although the dates of Hazrat Musa’s birth and death are hard to establish, many contemporary authorities believe that the exodus took place in the year 1520 or 1571 BC. The mother thought that the soldiers of Pharaoh would soon find about him and they would throw him in the river. But God revealed to her to be patient and not to be frightened. She was communicated the glad-tidings that her son would become an Apostle. His mother fed and concealed him for a few months but when she was unable to hide him any longer, God guided her saying: “Surah Al Qasas (28-7)”

So We sent this inspiration to the mother of Moses: “Suckle (thy child) but when thou hast fears about him cast him into the river but fear not nor grieve: for We shall restore him to thee and We shall make him one of Our apostles (28-7).

The same direction is expressed in Surah Ta-ha in the following Verses:

Behold! We sent to thy mother by inspiration the message (20-38)

Throw (the child) into the chest and throw (the chest) into the river: the river will cast him up on the bank and he will be taken up by one who is an enemy to Me and an enemy to him’: but I cast (the garment of) love over thee from Me: and (this) in order that thou mayest be reared under Mine eye. (20-39)

When Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) was a few months old, his mother made a chest and to make the journey of her son a little comfortable she put a blanket in it. She lifted her son with tears in her eyes and kissed him again and again. Her heart was beating violently and then she finally in the hour of darkness pushed the chest into the river (Nile). As the chest moved slowly on the surface of the water his sister Mariyum watched it from a distance but the mother went back home wailing and sobbing. Her heart was filled with sorrow and anxiety due to the separation of her beloved baby.

Mariyum while hiding from place to place along the shore of the river Nile kept a constant watch on the chest and prayed constantly for the safety of her brother. The chest ultimately came near the shore, which passed through the Pharaohs palace, where some workers were washing their clothes. When they saw the chest floating they waded through the water and brought it in the palace. Once they opened it they were greatly surprised to see a beautiful infant having a smiling countenance. Surah Al Qasas (28-8)”.

Then the people of Pharaoh picked him up (from the river): (28:8)

Hazrat Musa Nurtures in Pharaoh’s House
The workers took the chest to Pharaoh and his family. Firaun’s daughter who was suffering from leucosis was very excited and happy to see such a adorable child. She instantly picked Hazrat Musa and as she did so the saliva from his mouth fell on the area of her body affected by the disease. By the grace of God she started to heal. Hazrat Asiya the Firaun’s wife immediately informed him about this miracle and forced him to keep Hazrat Musa in the palace as their son. Hazrat Musa’s sister followed them inside the palace and no one recognized her. She saw that the wife of Pharaoh had fallen in love with the baby and as she did not have any son she had immediately decided to adopt him. She named him Musa (Moses). The Quran describes it in Surah Al-Qasas (28-9):

And Firaun’s wife said: Joy of the eye to me and to you, do not slay him, may be he will be useful to us or we may take him for a son. But they knew not what they did. (28: 9)

Hazrat Musa soon began to cry out of hunger. The baby was handed over to a woman who was appointed to nurse him. But he did not take her breast and kept on weeping. All those who knew Pharaohs anger and his brutal decisions were in an enigma as what to do? The sister of Hazrat Musa who was standing near by remarked: “May I bring a woman whom the baby requires”? She was directed to go immediately and call her. Ecstatic She rushed home and informed her mother of the whole situation. Her mother with lot of excitement and thanking God accompanied Mariyum to Pharaoh’s house, where the child was still crying due to hunger and when finally his mother gave him her milk he was content. Pharaoh’s wife requested the mother of Hazrat Musa to stay with them and nurse him. The Holy Qur’an states in Surah Al-Qasas (28-13):

So We restored him to his mother that her eyes might be refreshed and that she might not grieve and that she might know that the promise of Allah is true but most of them do not know. (28: 13).

Hazrat Musa was brought up in Pharaoh’s house like a prince. His mother was taking care of him and he was the apple of her eye. He learnt a great deal about Pharaoh and his indecent ways of life and his cruel treatment towards the Israelites. Although he enjoyed a most luxurious and comfortable life in Pharaohs house yet his heart ached for the miseries being faced by the masses of Pharaohs kingdom. Surah Al-Qasas (28-8):

(it was intended) that (Moses) should be to them an adversary and a cause of sorrow: for Pharaoh and Haman and (all) their hosts were men of sin. (28-8)

Killing of an Egyptian
One day Hazrat Musa saw an Israelite fighting with one of the king’s men. As they were shouting and hitting each other he tried to pacify both of them. When he saw that the Egyptian was not going to spare the Israeli in spite of several requests, he struck the man with a powerful fist. The man became dizzy and fell to the ground with a bang. Hazrat Musa and his companions stepped forward to support the man but he was limp like a rag, and he felt sorry for what had happened. It was an accident and not an intentional act. One punch is quite insufficient to cause the death of a person! His head was twirling and he called his action as the devil’s doing. He realized his mistake and prayed for Divine protection. The Holy Qur’an states in Surah Al-Qasas (28-15)

And he entered the City at a time when its people were not watching: and he found there two men fighting one of his own religion and the other of his foes. Now the man of his own religion appealed to him against his foe and Moses struck him with his fist and made an end of him. He said: “This is a work of Evil (Satan): for he is an enemy that manifestly misleads!” (28-15)

He prayed: “O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul! Do Thou then forgive me!” So (Allah) forgave him: for He is the Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful. (28-16)

Migration and Marriage
The news of the murder of an Egyptian by Hazrat Musa spread like a wildfire. The people flew into a rage and they hatched a plan to kill him. He became scared and was directed to migrate to another place. The Holy Qur’an states in Surah Al-Qasas (28-20)

And there came a man running from the furthest end of the City. He said: “O Moses! the Chiefs are taking counsel together about thee to slay thee: so get thee away for I do give thee sincere advice. (28-20)

During the hours of darkness when everyone was enjoying a sound sleep Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) packed up his luggage and left Pharaoh’s house. He reached Madina after a long tiresome journey. As he sat to rest for a while near a spring he saw two young girls waiting at a distance for their turn to get drinking water for their sheep. Although he was tired and hungry yet he still wished to help them and went up to the girls and asked if they needed help. The girls being modest and bashful said that they were waiting so that the other shepherds might go away. He drove the sheep to the spring to drink water and for this kind gesture the girls expressed a deep sense of gratitude. Once the sheep drank to their full the girls gathered their flock and proceeded towards their house. Hazrat Musa went back to rest and while in a state of depression he prayed to Almighty Allah to help him. Thereafter what happened the Quran relates it in (Surah Al-Qasas 28-25)

Afterwards one of the (damsels) came (back) to him walking bashfully. She said: “My father invites thee that he may reward thee for having watered (our flocks) for us.” So when he came to him and narrated the story he said: “Fear thou not: (well) hast thou escaped from unjust people.” (28:25)

Hazrat Musa accompanied the girls and introduced himself politely to their father. Later he dined with the members of the family and was asked to stay with them. As the time passed on happily one day the master of the house said, (Surah Al-Qasas 28-27,28)

I desire to marry one of these two daughters of mine to you on the condition that you should serve me for eight years but if you complete ten, it will be of your own free will, and I do not wish to be hard on you. If Allah pleases, you will find me one of good. (28-27)

He said: “This will be an agreement between you and me. Whichever of the two terms I fulfill, there shall be no wrong doing to me and Allah is a witness of what we say.” (28-28)

According to the agreement Hazrat Musa got married to Safura one of the daughters of Hazrat Shuaib ibn Rawail ibn Efaad ibn Medan ibn Keturah the third wife of Hazrat Ibrahim. (Genesis 25:2 and page 115 Mefaley Imbiya). Taurat (Chronicles 23:15) and Rehmat Tu Lil Alameen unanimously indicate that he had two sons Gershon and Eliezer from her. Where as according to Mefiley Imbiya by Muhammad Jamil Ahmed he had three sons. There is no difference in the names of the first two sons however the addition is of Hubab the youngest son.

Hazrat Musa had been away from his family for many years and missed his kith and kin. Thus in order to meet them one day he along with his family set out on a journey from Madina towards Egypt

Summons to Prophethood
Hazrat Musa crossed the sandy desert and reached the mountain, Toor (Koh e Toor). He perceived a brilliant light from a distance and thought that to be fire and reached near it to warm himself. All of a sudden a voice was-heard from the right side of the valley. It uttered: (Surah Ta-ha (20:12 to 14)

Verily I am thy Lord! Therefore (in My presence) put off thy shoes: thou art in the sacred valley Tuwa. (20-12)

I have chosen thee: listen then to the inspiration (sent to thee). (20-13)

Verily I am Allah: there is no god but I: so serve thou me (only) and establish regular prayer for celebrating my praise. (20-14)

Hazrat Musa was puzzled and scared. The thing, which looked like fire, was not fire in the real sense but it was the reflection of the glory of God.

Some Miracles of Hazrat Musa
God commanded Hazrat Musa to throw the shaft that was in his hand on the ground. He threw the shaft in compliance with the orders and to his surprise he saw it moving like a long wiggling snake and it terrified him. He thought that it was going to bite him, but God directed him not to lose courage and to pick up the snake. He obeyed and caught hold of the terrible looking snake. When he touched it, it was restored to its former shape. Thereafter God ordered him to put his hand into his armpit. When he took it out, it was shining white and when he repeated the same action it became normal. Allah, the Almighty made Hazrat Musa to perform these miracles so that he might feel better and become sure of the existence of Allah and His powers. In times to come he was to derive benefits from these miracles.

Move to Egypt and Conflict with Pharaoh
Allah commanded Hazrat Musa to go to Egypt and set free the depraved Israelites from the clutches of Pharaoh. Hazrat Musa was not fluent since he used to stammer, thus he sought permission from Allah to take his brother Hazrat Harun, an eloquent speaker, with him. The permission was immediately granted.

Hazrat Musa after settling his family in Egypt went to Pharaoh to convey him the message of Allah but he made fun of him. In spite of his continuous sermonizing and preaching the king and his people were not convinced. Finally in desperation, he said: 0′ King! Do you like me to show you that my message is true? He replied in affirmative with a cynical smile. Hazrat Musa threw his shaft on the ground and it changed its shape into a serpent. The people were wonder-struck and got scared of it. When He picked it up, it became a shaft again. Every one was much amazed. Then he put his hand in his armpit and when he got it out, his hand was shining brilliantly. The Holy Qur’an states in Surah Ash-Shu’ara (26-32,33)

So (Moses) threw his rod and behold it was a serpent plain (for all to see)(26-32)

And he drew out his hand and behold it was white to all beholders! (26-33)

Contest with the Magicians
The chief of pharaohs council (probably Haman) said that Hazrat Musa was an enchanter and that he intended to twist the minds of the people. Pharaoh got worried and started to fear for the decline of his kingdom, as the predictions were becoming realities. Thus to prove that Hazrat Musa was wrong he sent his agents in various parts of the country to bring enchanters. He fixed a special day for a contest and promised to give a very heavy reward if his magicians won.

On the appointed day thousands of people gathered with excitement and eagerness to see the performances of the magicians of the Pharaoh and the miracles of Hazrat Musa. First of all the royal magicians threw their sticks, which moved and looked like snakes from a distance. The people who were deceived and frightened appreciated the magicians for their astonishing performances. Soon after that Hazrat Musa cast his shaft and it became a hungry serpent by the order of Allah. It wiggled and moved like a dart and devoured every moving stick that the magician had thrown. The spectators and some of the priests thought that such miracle could only happen by the order of Allah. Most of the magicians drew back humiliated and prostrated themselves adoring. They said: We believe in the Lord of the Worlds: the Lord of Hazrat Musa and Hazrat Harun (peace be upon them). On seeing this Pharaoh became mad with rage and threatened the magicians and the spectators of dire consequences. According to the Holy Quran Surah Al-A’raf (7-124) he said:

“Be sure I will cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides and I will cause you all to die on the cross.”(7: 124)

Another aspect of significance is as to where was the Council of Pharaoh held in which Moses addressed Pharaoh. Egypt’s primary capital in the 28th Dynasty was Thebes (=Not-Ammon), but that was more than 400 miles to the south of the Delta, in whose corner Israel dwelt. Memphis, on the apex of the Delta, a little south of where Cairo is now, was also over 100 miles from Israel’s habitations. The interview must have been either in a Palace near Goshen, where the Israelites dwelt, or in Zoan (=Tanis), the Deltaic capital built by a former dynasty, which was of course still available for the reigning dynasty, and which was not far from the Israelite settlement.

Persecution of Hazrat Musa and his followers
Pharaoh and his men began to persecute the followers of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him). The Israelites remained patient and worshiped and glorified God in their homes. They said: (Surah Yunus 10:85-86)

In Allah do we put our trust. Our Lord! make us not a trial for those who practice oppression:(10:85)

And deliver us by Thy Mercy from those who reject (Thee).”(10:86)

Fleeing from Egypt
When the barbaric and brutal atrocities towards the Israelites gained momentum and the burden of hardships and sufferings could not be borne by the Israelites Allah ordered Hazrat Musa to leave the area with his followers. In compliance with the Commandment of Allah Hazrat Musa directed his people to migrate secretly to another place. Using the cover of darkness and with firm conviction that they would he saved by Allah a handful of the Israelites taking all precautionary measures left Egypt. Pharaoh lost his temper when he was informed about the escaping of the followers of Hazrat Musa and he sent heralds to chase the absconders. In order to take revenge of his disgrace he ordered his soldiers to arrest the Israelites and bring them back. The Israeli’s had selected, not the highway to Canaan, along the Mediterranean and by Gaza, because they were unarmed and would have encountered immediate opposition there, but by way of the wilderness of Sinai they wanted to cross the Red Sea. When the followers of Hazrat Musa were near the seashore, they heard the sound of the hoofs of the horses of Pharaoh. They became frightened and thought that they would be overtaken and punished by the enemy.

The Sea Splits and Pharaoh is Drowned
When Hazrat Musa and his followers were being chased Allah revealed this order to him in Surah Ash-Shu’ara (26:63)

“Strike the sea with thy rod.” So it divided and each separate part become like the huge firm mass of a mountain (26: 63)

The water of the Red sea went up high with a great uproar. The bottom of the sea turned into dry land and no doubt it was a startling miracle. The people could hardly believe their eyes and they ran desperately across the sea. Pharaoh and his large army chased them in hostility but when they were in the middle of the sea there was a great uproar and the water from both the sides poured. Pharaoh (Mineptah) and his soldiers were completely drowned. The Holy Qur’an relates this incident in the following verses of Surah Yunus (10: 90-91):

We took the Children of Israel across the sea: Pharaoh and his hosts followed them in insolence and spite. At length when overwhelmed with the flood he said: “I believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel believe in: I am of those who submit (to Allah in Islam).(10:90)

(It was said to him): “Ah now! but a little while before wast thou in rebellion! and thou didst mischief (and violence)!(10:91)

Even today, the local inhabitants of that region, point out the place, where the dead body of Pharaoh was found floating. It lies on the western coast of the Sinai Peninsula and is now known by the name of “Jabal Firaun” (Pharaohs Mount). There is also a hot spring called Hammam Firaun (Pharaohs Bath) in the near vicinity, which is situated at a distance of a few miles from Abu Zenima, where, they say Pharaoh’s body was found lying. If the Pharaoh who was drowned was Miniptah, who ruled over Egypt when Hazrat Musa was sent to him? His embalmed body is still lying in the Cairo Museum. When Sir Graftan E Smith removed the badges from his mummy, a layer of salt was found on the body, which was proof that he was drowned in the sea. The Holy Qur’an in Surah Yunus (10: 92) relates this:

This day shall we save thee in thy body that thou mayest be a Sign to those who come after thee! But verily many among mankind are heedless of Our Signs! (10:92)

When Hazrat Musa and thousands of his followers got rid of Pharaoh, they expressed a deep sense of gratitude to Allah. They had witnessed an extraordinary miracle and now they were free to live according to the teachings of Allah. Hazrat Musa and his followers kept a Fast on the very next day the army of Firaun was drowned. According to various details it was 10th of Muharram (Ashura)

(Ibn ‘Abbas, May Allah be pleased with both of them, reported: The Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) arrived in Medina and found the Jews observing Fast on the day of ‘Ashura. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said to them: What is the (significance) of this day that you observe Fast on it? They said: It is the day of great (significance) when Allah delivered Moses and the Children of Israel and drowned the Pharaoh and his people, and Moses and his people, observed Fast out of gratitude and we also observe it. Upon this the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: We have more right, and we have a closer connection with Moses than you have; so Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) observed Fast (on the day of ‘Ashura), and gave orders that it should be observed)

The Revelation of Turat (Torah)
Allah had promised Hazrat Musa that once the people of Israel will be free from the clutches of Pharaoh a Holy book containing various commandments and instructions will be revealed. Allah commanded Hazrat Musa to go to the mountain of Tur for austerity (Itikaf): (Surah Al-A’raf Ruku: 7:142)

We appointed for Moses thirty nights and completed (the period) with ten (more): thus was completed the term (of communion) with his Lord forty nights. And Moses had charged his brother Aaron (before he went up): “Act for me amongst my people: do right and follow not the way of those who do mischief.”(7:142)

When Hazrat Musa reached the appointed place: (Surah Al-A’raf Ruku: 7:143)

He said: “O my Lord! show (Thyself) to me that I may look upon thee.” Allah said: “by no means canst thou see Me (direct); but look upon the mount; if it abide in its place then shalt thou see Me.” When his Lord manifested his glory on the mount He made it as dust and Moses fell down in a swoon. When he recovered his senses he said: “Glory be to Thee! to thee I turn in repentance and I am the first to believe.”(7:143)

Hazrat Musa had to stay there for forty days and nights. During this period Allah, the Almighty gave a lot of religious knowledge to him. He gave him the tablets, which contained the Ten Commandments. On completion: (Surah Al-A’raf Ruku: 7:144)

(Allah) said: “O Moses! I have chosen thee Above (other) men By the mission I (have Given thee) and the words I (have spoken to thee): Take then the (revelation) Which I give thee And be of those Who give thanks.”(7:144)

The revelation basically consisted of the laws and the rules Allah had set for the people (Surah Al-A’raf Ruku: 7:145)

And We ordained laws for him in the tablets in all matters both commanding and explaining all things (and said): “take and hold these with firmness and enjoin thy people to hold fast by the best in the precepts: soon shall I show you the homes of the wicked (how they lie desolate).”(7:145)

At the end of the appointed time Hazrat Musa went to his people to tell them about the revelations which he had received.

Israelites Worship the Calf
Hazrat Musa was much grieved to know that his followers had become obsessed for praying to the cow instead of Allah. Whenever Hazrat Harun his brother forbade them from doing so, they made fun of him and at times he was even subjected to torture. Hazrat Musa tried hard to uproot this form of idolatry from the hearts of the Israelites but only a small group of the people repented and most of them insisted on worshipping a cow. He said to his people: Surah Al-Baqara (2:71)

Surely, Allah commands you that you should sacrifice a cow. (2: 71)

Most of them did so hesitatingly but the others refused. Hazrat Musa kept on conveying the people the new message of God.

Another Miracle
A season came when due to the absence of rain the people were overtaken with draughts and diminution of fruit. This acute shortage of water and food encompassed the death of many Israelites due to starvation. Hazrat Musa prayed to Allah and He provided them with eatables. Moreover the entire area was devoid of any water as such they again requested Hazrat Musa for help. The God almighty, accepting the prayer of Hazrat Musa directed him to hit the high cliff with his shaft. At once cool and clear water gushed forth from twelve places in that cliff. The people were much amazed and delighted at the sight of this wonderful miracle. The Holy Qur’an states in Surah Al-Baqara (2:60)

And remember Moses prayed for water for his people; We said: “Strike the rock with thy staff.” Then gushed forth there from twelve springs. Each group knew its own place for water. So eat and drink of the sustenance provided by Allah and do no evil nor mischief on the (face of the) earth (2: 60)

The Israelites were of twelve branches each a descendant of a son of Hazrat Ya’qub. So each branch came to drink from one of the springs of water from that cliff to their hearts content. They did not have to thrust and fight for it because Allah gave them an abundant supply of water.

Israelites Win Victory and Prosper
After staying in the desert for some time Hazrat Musa planned to proceed towards the blessed land, Palestine. He sent twelve men in advance to view the blessed land. On their return they told him that there were fertile farms, green trees and plenty of water. It was also reported that the owners of the blessed land were strong, brave and had invincible armies. It was impossible to capture that land without fighting. The Israelites being weak, armless and less in number were reluctant to fight. However Hazrat Musa and a small group of Israelites wished to fight tooth and nail whereas most of them did not agree to fight. Some of them even told Hazrat Musa: “You go with your God and fight against them. We will stay here and wait”.

As the years passed, they increased in number and gained strength by forming a small army of there own and marched with faith in their hearts towards the rich blessed land. They fought hard and triumphed and they became the rulers of Palestine. The inhabitants of that land lived with them in peace and harmony and Allah showered favours on Israelites and they began to prosper.

Western Views Regarding Hazrat Musa and The Pentateuch
Hazrat Musa besides being one of the most famous national leaders and lawgivers in history was reputedly the author of the first five books of the Old Testament, known collectively as the Pentateuch, and also of other parts of the Old Testament, including possibly the Book of Job. Scholars agree almost unanimously that these books are the interwoven work of many authors. The Bible of Judaism is in three distinct parts: the Torah, or Law, also called the books of Moses; the Nebiim, or Prophets, divided into the Earlier and Latter Prophets; and the Ketubim, or Writings, including Psalms, wisdom books, and other diverse literature. The Christian Old Testament organizes the books according to their type of literature.

Moses is also well known to Christians; he is mentioned frequently in the New Testament. At Christ’s transfiguration, he represents the Law (see Matthew 17:3) and the role he plays in the Old Testament is pointed out in the Epistle to the Hebrews, so as to offer a comparison with that of Christ (see Hebrews 3:1-6). He is also mentioned in the Gospel of John, again to underscore the role of Christ as the fulfillment of the Scriptures (see John 1:17).

The Prophet Joins The Eternal Life
According to Holy Bible Deuteronomy (34: 5: 6) Hazrat Musa died in the land of Moab opposite Beth Peor and is buried in the valley but no one knows the location of his grave. The exact date of the Prophet’s death is not confirmed, but every author agrees to this fact that he died at the age of 120 years probably in the year 1451 BC.

Sadi Gilani
Lt Col (Retd) Saleh Naisar Sadi Gilani was commissioned in 1978 na joined 3 Punjab, the old Battalion of his father. Is Bachelor of Arts (Economics) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Strategic Studies. Served in various intelligence setups for 15 years. Served under UN Mission in SOMALIA.

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