Friday, February 21, 2025

Letters to the Editor (Nov-2012)

It will be a privilege to publish letters from readers about articles written in previous issues or giving suggestions. No letter will be printed which indulges in personalized attacks or is meaningless in the context of DJ


Dr. Hamid Hussain is a very learned person whose articles appear regularly in the Defence Journal. I admire his research work and his knowledge regarding many past events and of eminent armed forces personalities of India and Pakistan. His article ‘Abdullah and Anjum’ that was published in the September 2012 issue of DJ, page 51, throws inti-mate light on the personality of Maj Gen Abdullah Saeed. The learned writer has, between the lines, conveyed his strong likes for Abdullah and his family members. It was known that like many followers (QADIANI) of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, the claimant of being a prophet — called imposter by all Sects of ISLAM, Abdullah Saeed had also migrated to the USA. I had met him as a major serving with 6FF, part of 10 Brigade during the ChambJurian operation, when 14 Punjab (my battalion) was advancing on Jaurian-Akhnur road. I met the CO 6FF (Col lqbal) as his HQs was located on one side of the road. I saw Maj Abdullah, Maj Anwar and another senior major in the HQs of 6FF.

Sir, QADIANI is a sect with profound difference with the other sects of Islam. Heterodox (the word used by the learned writer) means against religion and sharriat. They whole heartedly accept Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as prophet. The Holy Quran has clearly declared “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) The Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets; And Allah has full knowledge of all things.” (Para 22 — Ayat 40), Commentary 3731 — when a document is sealed it is complete and there can be no further addition. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) closed the long line of Messengers. Allah’s teaching is and will always be continuous but there has been, and will not be any prophet.

The Presidency of Islamic Researchers, IFTA, call and guid6nce —(King Fand Holy Quran Printing Complex) — page 1255.

My knowledge about religion is very sketchy, but thousands of scholars and ulema had consulted the Quran, a great number of books on Hadith and religious books and only then were the Qadianis declared NON MUSLIM.

Sir, the learned writer has expressed his own views in his article. “The treatment of this community in Pakistan is the most shameful chapter of bigotry in mod-ern time and a blot on the collective con-science of the nation.” Belief is supreme. Image in the battle of BADR in both the forces there were close relatives, brothers, sons, uncles, fathers and other blood relations — but they were pitched against each other for a decisive battle. When Hazrat Abu Bakr was elected Caliph, many tribes under some imposters had revolted but soon forces were sent who defeated the rebels and the imposters were killed.

I think Qadianis do not consider members of other sects of Islam as Muslim. They do not attend their NIMAZE JINAZA. The learned writer must have seen the photograph of the NIMAZE JINAZA of Quaid-e-Azam in which the then Foreign Minister, Zaffar Ullah Khan kept sitting on one side and did not offer the NIMAZE JINAZA because he consid-ered the Quaid and lacs of mourners as non-Muslim according to his faith. I remember once the Quaid had said that to praise Zaffarullah was like praising your own son. And what disrespect was displayed by the man who the Quaid had called like ‘his own son’!

Why did Abdullah Saeed migrate; he could have lived as a loyal citizen of Pakistan like the millions of Christians and thousands of Hindus and Parsis, etc are doing. The Pakistan Army had blessed him with promotion to the prestigious rank of Major General with all the privileges. A patriot does not hate his homeland (he does not call it ‘second rate’), but, perhaps Abdullah’s Imam ordered him to migrate to the USA. Economically and militarily USA is a first rate country but hegemonically averious that ignores the rights of smaller nations (particularly Muslim), where morality has no value.

Sir, my intention is not to belittle or disgrace any Qadiani but perforce some pertinent facts have been mentioned in polite language. Those living here are minority of Pakistan (like Christians, Hindus, Parsis, etc) and loyal citizens of Pakistan having been granted all the due rights. They do not need GREEN CARD.

And now some observations on Dr. Hamid Hussain’s article ‘Brig Muhammad Usman’ page 44 published in the August 2012 issue of DJ. In my previous article (An Old Soldier Remembers — page 51 to 54, July 2010 issue of DJ) I wrote that Col Usman was the AQ (7th Division — GOC Maj Gen Lovett CBEDSO) in 1946 at Taiping (North Malaya). I was the SSO Taiping. As SSO I came directly under the AQ and was responsible for distributing Japanese parties (from the POW camps) for labour duties to units on demand. Col Usman was very cordial and often guided in staff duties.

In the photograph on page 55 he is not wearing the badges of rank of brigadier. I minutely examined the photograph with a magnifying glass; per-haps this photo is of earlier days when Usman was not wearing the badges of rank of brigadier. I do hope my observations are not considered as criticism.

Yours sincerely,

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