Attack On Malala Yousafzai-Need For A United Stand


Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945) Was The Propaganda Minister Of Hitler. His Motto Was Telling Lies With Confidence And Repeating The Same Continuously So That It Seemed True. Unfortunately We Are In That Situation Where Both The Government And The Opposition Have Lost Their Credibility.

It Was A Most Horrible Attack On An Innocent Young Girl. But We Are So Divided In The Blame Game By Making A Political Issue Out Of It. The Nation Stands Divided Between The Religious Parties And The Liberals, Each Is Blaming The Other. All Sorts Of Stories Are Being Manufactured. Religious Parties Even Doubt Whether She Was Actually Attacked! I Am Reminded Of A Punjabi Story Where The Mother-In-Law In Order To Sort Out Her Daughter-In-Law Prays For The Death Of Her Son, So That The Pride Of The Daughter-In-Law Is Killed. Malala Is A Great Girl Who Had The Courage To Stand Up And Speak The Truth, Was Brave Enough To Gather Other Girls For Opening Her School And Continue Studies. There Is Picture Circulating On The Media Where In She Is Shown Meeting Mr. Holbrooke And The Cia Along With Her Mother And Father In 2010. The Objection Is Not About Her Meeting Mr. Holbrooke But Why Was This Kept Secret Till She Was Attacked Recently?

The Meeting Of Malala With The American Is Being Portrayed Most Negatively. Who Arranged This Meeting And For What Purpose? No One Is ‘– Telling The Truth! At The Same Time We Also Need To Asses How Innocent/Simple People Can Be Manipulated And Used By Other People For Their Motives. The Fault Lies More On The Government, Which Does Not Come Forward To Guide Or Solve The Grievances Of The Common Man. The Result Is That Foreign Agents Openly Kill Our Innocent Men In Broad Day Light In Lahore City And The Whole Nation Is Kept Guessing About The Truth. Foreign Intelligence Easily Recruits People And Utilizes Them For Their Own Designs. There Is No Monitoring. There Is Open Army And Isi Bashing By The Media.

Malala Yousaf Zai Is A Brave And Courageous Girl Who Has Shown All Of Us The Light So That We May Stand United Against Terrorism Of All Kinds. The Government And The Civil Society Must Take The Lead To Take A United Stand. Malala Yousafzai Reminds Us Of Malalai Of Mai-Wand, The Brave Young Woman, Who Turned The Tables At The Battle Of Mai-Wand (1880).

Historical Perspective –

Malalai The Afghan Heroine Of Maiwand:

27 July 1880

In Afghanistan Malalai (Or Malala) Is A Legend. She Was A Native Of Khig, A Tiny Village On The Edge Of The Mai-Wand Battlefield. Both Her Father And Fiancee Joined With Ayub’s Army In The Attack On The British On July 27Th 1880 (Which Some Say Was Also Her Wedding Day), And Like Many Women, Malalai Was There To Help Tend To The Wounded And Provide Water And Spare Weapons. Eventually There Came A Point In The Battle Where The Afghan Army, Despite Their Superior Numbers, Started To Lose Morale And The Tide Seemed To Be Turning In Favour Of The British. Seeing This, Malalai Took Off Her Veil And Shouted:

“Young Love! If You Do Not Fall

In The Battle Of Maiwand,

By God, Someone Is Saving

You As A Symbol Of Shame!”

This Gave Many Of The Afghan Fighters And Ghazis A New Resolve And They Redoubled Their Efforts. At That Moment One Of The Leading Flag-Bearers Fell To A British Bullet And Malalai Went Forward And Held Up The Flag (Some Versions Say She Made A Flag Out Of Her Veil), Singing A Landai:

The Meeting Of Malala With The American Is Being Portrayed Most Negatively. Who Arranged This Meeting And For What Purpose? No One Is ‘– Telling The Truth! At The Same Time We Also Need To Asses How Innocent/Simple People Can Be Manipulated And Used By Other People For Their Motives. The Fault Lies More On The Government, Which Does Not Come Forward To Guide Or Solve The Grievances Of The Common Man. The Result Is That Foreign Agents Openly Kill Our Innocent Men In Broad Day Light In Lahore City And The Whole Nation Is Kept Guessing About The truth

“With A Drop Of My Sweetheart’s Blood, Shed In Defense Of The Motherland, Will I Put A Beauty Spot On My Forehead, Such As Would Put To Shame The Rose In The Garden

But Then Malalai Was Herself Struck Down And Killed. However, Her Words Had Spurred On Her Country-Men And Soon The British Lines Gave Way, Broke And Turned, Leading To A Disastrous Retreat Back To Kandahar And The Biggest Defeat For The Anglo-Indian Army In The Second Afghan War. Ayub Khan Afterwards Gave A Special Honour To Malalai And She Was Buried At Her Village, Where Her Grave Can Still Be Seen”

Malala Yousafzai Of 2012 Will Lnshahallah Unite The Nation Like Malalai Of Maiwand.

In Order To Stand United We Need To Identify The Common Enemy. Coas Gen Kiyani Has Already Defined This On 14 August:
Extremist: Who Insist On What They Believe To Be The Truth.

Terrorist: Those Who Want Their Point Of View Enforced Through The Barrel Of The Gun. We Can’t Forgive Those Who Attacked Paf Base Kamra And Pns Mehran Bases Nor Those Who Are Killing People In Karachi And Quetta. Those Who Attacked Our Sallala Post From Across Afghanistan / Nooristan Under Two Brig Generals Of Afghan Army With Full Air Support. They Are Same People Behind The Attack On Malala Yousaf Zai, And Are Busy Doing It Around Peshawar. Fazlullah Is Hiding In Nooristan. The Attacks In To Pakistan Are Coming From Paktia And Khost. Has Anyone Recommended Surgical Strikes Against Those Terrorists Hiding In Afghanistan? The Training Camps For Launching Attacks Into Pakistan Are Inside Afghanistan.

We As Muslims Should Also Look Inwards And Not Be Sold Out So Easily. Before Blaming Cia And Raw, Why Can’t We, The People Identify These Terrorists Who Are Always Around Us And Like Dr Shakeel Afridi Sell Themselves So Cheaply.

A. The Government Of Pakistan Should Insist On Nato To Force Afghanistan To Return Fazlullah And His Group Of Terrorists To Pakistan And Take Action Against All Those Responsible For Attacks In Pakistan.
B. Drone Attacks Must Be Stopped As These Are Causing More Damage Than Good. If These Have To Be Undertaken Against Confirmed Terrorists, These Must Be Done In Strict Coordination With Pakistan Army. These Must Be Used On Specific Targets Mutually Agreed With The Pakistan Army So That No Innocent Lives Are Lost.
C. People Should Organize Vigilant Groups/Committees To Keep An Eye Around To Identify The Terrorists.
D. The Scouts/Fc Must Be Reorganized On The Lines Recommended By Gen Tucker’s Committee Of 1945, So That They Can Take Over From Army. Army May Be Released For Defence Against Our Eastern Border For Convention Battle. The Army May Not Be Required For Anti Terrorist/Counter Insurgency Operations All Along The Western Border.
E. The Police Also Needs To Be Reorganized In Kp For Effective Law And Order In Settled Areas.
F. Special Civil Political Service Must Be Created For Fata And All Areas Less A In Balochistan. These Officers/ Officials Must Be Considered Experts About Traditions/Customs Of The Local Areas.
G. Efforts Must Be Made For Political Activities And Bring All Fata And Other Non A Areas Under The Local Government Like Other Areas In Pakistan Local Government Elections On One Man, One Vote Must Be Held Regularly Every Four Years To Empower The Local Community.
H. All Schools That Were Destroyed Must Be Reconstructed And Free Education For Both Boys And Girls Must Be Ensured.
I. Maximum Decentralization Of Power At The Lowest Level Must Be Ensured. Union And Village Councils Elected Must Be Empowered For Development In Their Areas.
We As A Nation Need To Take A Balanced Approach.

Altaf Bhai And Rahman Malik Want The Army To Undertake An Operation In North Waziristan. Why Not Army Operation In Karachi Where Every Day 15 To 20 Innocent Lives Are Lost? Why Not In Quetta Where Every Day 10 To 15 People, Specially Hazaras Are Killed? In And Around Peshawar We Also Have Suicide Attacks And Bomb Blasts. All This Is Being Done From Across The Border From Khost, Paktia And Nooristan Provinces In Afghanistan.

There Is Urgent Need To Take Care Of Fazlullah And His Friends, Who Are Doing All These Actions Including The Sallala Attack. They Are Not Just Gun Toting Taliban But Duly Sponsored By Their Friends In Afghanistan, Duly Armed With Night Vision Devices And Other Latest Equipment. There Can Be No Peace. By Taking Action In North Or South Waziris-Tan Pakistan Will Only Serve The Interest, Of Our Enemies, Who Want The 80% Loyal Tribes To Also Turn Against The Pakistan Army. You Undertake An Operation In Nw, They. Will Rush Back To Their Safe Hideouts In Afghanistan. Force Never Solves Problems But It Is Understanding And Love That Does.

Us/Nato Must Understand That After They Leave Afghanistan They Must Have A Stable United Pakistan, Who Can Stand Against The Terrorists. The Usa Should Not Repeat 1989/90 When They Left Pakistan On Its Own To Stand Against The War Words Of Afghanistan.

If Force Could Bring Peace Us And Russia Would Not Have Lost In Vietnam And Afghanistan. Uk Would Not Have Gone For Peace Talks With Ira.
The Media, Civil Society And The Political Parties Need To Stand United To Identify The Criminals, Who Attacked Malala And Who Are Killing Innocent People By The Dozens Daily In Karachi, Quetta And Beheading Police Officials In Peshawar. Let Us Not Mix Up And Play Into The Hands Of Our Enemies, Whose Aim Is To Commit Our Amry/Isi Against Our Own People, Create Unrest And Despondency Among The Troops, With A View To Break Up Pakistan As In 1971. This Is Our Problem As Such We Have To Solve It Ourselves. So Let Us Get United And Relieve Pakistan Army For Battle Against Our Real Enemy.

May Allah Guide Our Rulers On The Right Path.

The Responsibility Of Our Friends Living In The West Is To Give The True Picture To The Western World


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