Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Jealousy Factor

Hazrat Omar when once asked as to why a particular person was abusing him replied that he was surprised because he had not done him any favours. Muslims cherish this example because it acts as an example and encouragement to those who help their fellow beings without expecting or accepting reward, indeed expecting approbation. Unfortunately those who have no religion will never understand the moral of this story.

While talent is certainly suspect in our society, merit being a disqualifier instead of being a catalyst for success, the other issue that continues to bedevil us is jealousy. This negative causes more anguish to society than any other factor. An inordinate amount of time is spent being consumed by jealousy, the normal modus operandi being to launch a concerted character assassination campaign. The real tragedy is when a perfectly talented individual drowns himself in his own imagined sorrows, wasting himself in a destructive mode instead of being constructive. Such people can criticize, can never recommend. This a basic flaw in character, is further complicated by the person remaining in the company of fellow convicts for several years.

The venom such persons are usually targeted against those very individuals who have been of tremendous moral and material support to them over the years. In case the individuals of their wrath succeed in life, each triumph tears into them like a jagged knife, adding to their frustration. Hazrat Omar when once asked as to why a particular person was abusing him replied that he was surprised because he had not done him any favours. Muslims cherish this example because it acts as an example and encouragement to those who help their fellow beings without expecting or accepting reward, indeed expecting approbation. Unfortunately those who have no religion will never understand the moral of this story.

The germs of jealousy are usually imbedded during the comrade-ship of youth History repeating itself may not be a prosaic as “Kane and Abel”, people who grow up together usually grow apart as they grow in years because of differing perceptions, career patterns and the varying vicissitudes of destiny. Youthful exuberance and mutual loyalty is eventually lost as the darker side of one’s character imposes on these qualities. Van Gogh’s Self-Portrait is very expressive, there cannot be another fitting description of those consumed by jealousy. Those afflicted by this spend their waking moments planning the downfall of the objects of their hatred, forget-ting that it is God Who guides the destiny of the whole Universe, man proposes, God disposes. Life, liberty and fortune are in His hands, man cannot change the destiny of anyone least of all his own. Individuals who have no control over themselves are hardly capable of guiding the fortunes (or misfortunes) of others. But it is difficult for those people to under-stand who do not believe in God.

In a country where people depend upon nepotism to go up the career ladder. Power and wealth acquired on the quality of merit is quite rare. Those left by the wayside because of their own selfishness and greed envy those who dare to venture into the unknown and take calculated risks, and if they succeed, the frustration of not having taken the calculated risk themselves then savagely twists their souls from inside. They then plan to destroy it the other’s success, their alcohol-besotted mind reflecting their twisted chaacter. Despite their outside bon-homie and camaraderie, that gnarled inner self eats away into the character of the person till it becomes an empty shell, the only medicine that dwells the sense being a daily dose of alcohol.

A tormented soul is wretched indeed, jealousy consumes • it in such fires that hell would be an easier place to dwell in. Where does evil begin and end? Evil begins with the breakdown of basic loyalties, such people do not hold sacred any-thing, family or friend. A man who does not possess that basic morality should not talk about ideals. In the befuddled alcoholic mind, jealousy views success as should have been rightfully theirs, the simmering hatred an all-consuming fire that further agonizes the soul, getting further complicated out of the person’s own inadequacy if his father was a great figure and he is not able to reach the same level of respect in society or professionalism. This psychological mind-block breeds an inferiority complex, a further twist to an already hideous living, a sort of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The frustration force-multiplies the jealousy because of the need to blame someone else for his own shortcomings of character and moral fabric.

The ultimate comedown arises out of the fact of writing innumerable communications under false names. Lacking the inherent courage to use his own name in the media, he is goaded into fury by the fact that the object of his wrath may be doing so without fear or favour. The knowledge that he must get by with a pseudonym while his “enemy” uses his own name freely and gets accolades drives him to further frenzy. Anonymity is a coward’s style. Even while he spouts ideals he is engaged in using his drinking bud-dies in influential positions, particularly in secret agencies to spread falsehood and disinformation. He bribes those whom he should never corrupt as he owes that particular institution that they represent some basic loyalty. Brought into an accountability program, he made money by the wagonloads blackmailing those “who lived beyond their means”, using “plea bargain” factor as a means of filling his own pockets.

Samuel Johnson said, “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel”, unquote. Individuals who talk tall about patriotism and country usually are the first to apply for citizenship of other countries, he than proceeds to vilify the same country that he is immigrating to. What will the US think if the “patriot” they are giving immigration to hates them most? What nationalities are the wife and children of this “patriotic” Pakistanis? To him nothing is sacred, he will attack the object of his hatred by fair means or foul. What does it matter if many thousands suffer because of his vendetta, among them old men and women, also children? All of them may be con-signed to hell as far as he is concerned as long as his personal anger is assuaged. But then he cannot comprehend that it may be the very prayers of these innocents that keeps the object of his wrath safe from worldly harm since these prayers are from the depth of their heart. Since such persons consumed by hatred and jealousy are usually outside the pale of all religions, it is beyond their comprehension or understanding.

Destiny is in the Hands of the Maker, not his crafted beings, particularly such a pitiful person who for over a dozen years has lived off the crumbs off the very person whose hand he now bites. A dog is better, it will never bite the hands that feeds it. Jealousy in the end will turn and consume the person who is responsible for its perpetration, engulfing him in the fires of his own creation. A man cannot live for-ever on the successes and glories of his father, God teaches taught us one thing above all, first deserve, then desire. For those who do not deserve, jealousy is a just punishment. Such creatures are beyond pity, and without honour, the most despicable human being on the face of the Earth (this is an abridged version of the original article published almost 20 years earlier on Dec 23, 1993, the subject matter remains relevant today).♦

Courtesy: The News

Ikram Sehgal
The writer is a defence and security analyst, he is Co-Chairman Pathfinder Group, Patron-in-Chief Karachi Council on Foreign Relations (KCFR) and the Vice Chairman Board of Management Quaid-e-Azam House Museum (Institute of Nation Building).
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