Friday, February 21, 2025

Reminiscence-My stay in Somalia

SOMALIA is one of the poorest countries of Africa. For centuries it had remained a colony of the Arabs and European Powers. It gained independence in 1960, but for decades has been in political turmoil and in the grip of petty chiefs, army commanders, nobles and hostile infiltrators from ETHOPIA and KENYA. Due to famine, drought, lack of medical treatment, shortage of food daily due to hunger and disease at least one hundred people were dying. The security situation continued to deteriorate in many parts of SOMALIA.

In this article I shall try to highlight some momentous, valorous, tragic and exciting events which I experienced in SOMALIA during over one year stay in 1992-1993 as in charge of the intelligence set up with the UNOSOM (United Nation Organization Somalia) of Pakistan army Contingent.

Briefly the Geography, History and Political situation is mentioned in the following para’s.

Its land area is about 637540 square KM. It occupies top of a region commonly referred to the Horn of Africa because of its resemblance to rhinoceros’s horn that also include ETHOPIA and DJIBOUTI. In the north the Gulf of ADEN and in the east and south the waves of the Indian Ocean strike the long Somalia Shore of 3024 KM. The long shore provides strategic and natural barrier for incursion into SOMALIA. Its population, about half a century ago was about 3260000, but inflated to over 60 lacs due to the return of SOMALIAN refugees who had fled to the neighboring countries. In the northwest DJIBOUTI, in the west ETHOPIA and in the south west and south KENYA are situated. For centuries most of the neighboring countries have been hostile, MOGADISHU is the capital, and HARGEISA, BURAO, KISMAYO, MERCA and BERBERA are some important town and communication centers. HAFAN, KASMANO and BERBERA are the important sea ports. The JUBA and the SHABELLE are the two major rivers, watering vast areas.

Most of the people are nomad and keep on migrating from place to place in search of food, water and grazing lands for their sheep, goats and camels. Before the advent of ISLAM, the people were ethnic. During the reign of PHARO’S, SOMALIA was known as PUNT (flat bottomed shallow boat) and EGYPTIAN queen HATSHEPOSUT had sent an expedition to capture it. Tribal chiefs fought with each other for supremacy. The vast majority of SOMALIANS are Muslims; only less than one percent is Christians. Islam was brought to Somalia by south Arabian merchants and seaman who founded settlements along the coast. They married local women and due to inter marriages a new generation emerged. The SOMALIAN’s are tall, not black like Negroes, their lips are not thick and hanging, the women are attractive with graceful walk.

Slowly and gradually the control of the Arab traders weakened and the population got divided into many tribes. In 1827, the chiefs of HABRAWAZ signed a trade and peace treaty with the British but to avenge the murder of a British officer clamped complete blockade of SOMALIAN coast by constantly patrolling with armed boats carrying troops. In the meantime the British travelers and geologists carried out survey to locate mineral wealth and conveyed the information to their Government.

During 1869 the Suez Canal was completed and the importance of the sea routes of the RED Sea enhanced by many folds. European powers realizing the strategic situation of SOMALIA made plan to obtain its control. During 1884 the British Government entered into a pact with the four major tribes of SOMALIA and occupied it and SOMALI LAND became a British colony. The French Government also entered into a pact with a tribal chief and bought the most important off shore island of OBOK (only 30 to 35 KM from the Arabian Coast). The French forces during 1888 occupied the area touching the borders of the British SOMALI LAND, the French SOMALI LAND Colony called DJIBOUTI, is now an independent state. During 1885 Italy also occupied a part of the eastern coast of SOMALIA and thus the eastern and southern SOMALIA became an Italian colony.

Revolt against Foreign Rule
The teaching of MEHDI SUDANI (Mohammad Ahmad) had also infiltrated into SOMALIA. During 1896 MOHAMMAD BIN ABDULLAH HASSAN (called the Mad MULLAH of SOMALI LAND by the British), belonging to JAR SULEMAN tribe, declared JIHAD against the foreign rule. The people of SOMALIA rose under his banner with primitive weapons and only some captured British weapons revolted and fought many battle against the British forces between 1896 – 1904.

Some units of the British Indian Army also participated in the operation against MULLAH MOHAMMAD BIN ABDULLAH. The troops were mostly British, SIKHS and MAHRATTAS some were locally recruited. During 1901-1903 some troops of 27 PUNJAB ( now 11 Punjab) and a detachment of 25 Punjab ( now 9 PUNJAB ) had also fought against the ill armed followers of the MULLAH. Both the battalions were awarded the Battle Honor of SOMALI LAND (1901- 1904) which are inscribed on the Regimental flag of the Punjab Regiment.

In 1901 a force of over one thousand troops under Col SWAYNE and during 1902-1903 a large force over 4000 troops, supported with guns under Brig General MANNING carried out punitive action against the MULLAH, but both the forces were not successful for a decisive result. MULLAH’s ill armed-force had suffered lot of casualties, where as the British also lost about 315 soldiers. During 1903-1904 a big force of about ten thousand soldiers supported by some guns, under Maj. General EGERTON won the decisive battle of JIDBALI and ILLIG. MULLAH’s opposition was completely crushed. The British Military History has called MOHAMMAD BIN ABDULLAH as the Mad Mullah of SOMALI LAND, but the people of SOMALIA remember him with reverence and pay homage to his JIHADI achievements.

Grant of Independence and Subsequent Events
After the 2nd Great War, through the efforts of the UNO SOMALIA was granted independence during 1960. Despite its status as one of the poorest states in the east Africa the strength of SOMALIA Armed Forces expanded from 5000 troops to 23000. During the 1977-1978 OGADEN (on the border of SOMALIA) war, ETHOPIA destroyed much of the army’s fighting capabilities during the 1977-1978 conflict. During 1990 the number of SOMALIAN troops increased to 65000.

SOMALIAN’s defeat in the OGADEN war and deteriorating internal conditions lost the Government much of its domestic support. As the SIAD BARRI (the President) regime became more politically involved, the president and members of his tribe increasingly dominated the helm of affairs. Economy was on the verge of collapse, the opposition organized groups and many leaders went into exile. With the support of foreign powers the insurgent movement grew in strength and number. In June 1982 ETHOPIA attacked SOMALIA and occupied some area. To support SOMALIA, USA and Italy immediately sent military help. The rebels during 1984 captured the important towns of HERGEISA and BERBERA.

On the border of ETHOPIA there were about 8 lacs refugees living under miserable conditions. The UN commission for refugees had been providing food, medicine, clothes and other essential items to the refugees for the last some years, but most if the items were being misappropriated, stolen and issued to undesirable people and to those who accepted to join rebel groups. Law and order situation was now out of control.

In early 1991 SIAD BARRE and many of his advisers relinquished power and fled. In view of the growing unrest and as majority of the SOMALIAN were in the grip of famine, therefore UNO, on humanitarian grounds continued sending aid and also dispatched 50 unarmed observers to watch the distribution of the aid to genuine refugees. At the same time for effective cease fire between the big rival groups (GEN ALI MEHDI and GEN ADEED) and restore law and order. the Security Council on 24 April 1992 adopted resolution 751 by which it decided to establish a UN operation in SOMALIA (UNOSOM).

To start with in August 1992 a 500 strong force, 7 FF Regt (Motorized infantry battalion) was selected for the operation. The Battalion was transported to SOMALIA on US air force aircraft. It was named UNOSOM-1. The task was:-

a. Provide security to the port of unloading humanitarian aid.
b. Escort the food relief convoys to the distribution points.
c. Provide security to the airport when supplies brought by air.
d. Provide security to the UN personnel.
e. To monitor the ceasefire in MOGADISHU.

But unfortunately various factions of SOMALIA resorted to looting and plundering. It was therefore decided to send a large force (UNOSOM) as under:-

PakistanBrigade Group (Strength 5000) + one tank regiment + 30 APC (Ahmed personal carrier) UNOSOMI (? FF Regt was amaigamated)
ItalyOne Brigade.
EgyptOne Battalion.
MoroccoA force of 3000.
BelgiumOne company (including some women in uniform).
USA6000 Troops + Helicopter + APC + Fighter aircraft + some guns + some women in uniform.
Us navy aircraft carrier was patrolling the coast, UAE, French, Norway, Germany and some other countries each contributed detachment of 250 soldiers.
IndiaFew medical units and a navel detachment UNOSOM 2 was established in MARCH 1993 to take appropriate action.

Admiral Howe (us Navy) was in charge of the operation of UNOSOM. While a Turkish Lt General CIVIC BYRE was the commander of the force and US Army Maj Gen MONTGOMERY was the deputy commander. It was aim of Admiral Howe (in charge of UN aid) to restore political conditions to save SOMALIA from civil war and famine. But Gen ADEED’S group was against the presence of the UNOSOM and for the last few months his armed men had resorted to guerilla tactic and ambushed aid carrying UN parties and also looted medical teams sent for the treatment of sick persons. ADEED’S armed gangs used to keep SOMALIAN women and children in front to create impediment and hesitancy for the UN counter action parties.

Farah Adeed

My Meeting With War Lord Farah Adeed
The arrival of Pakistani contingent in MODADISHU was welcomed by the SOMALIAN. Escorting of relief convoys and effective handling of the security situation soon won the Pakistani trust. As Eid was approaching I, with the permission of the Pakistani commander, went to see FARAH ADEED to create mutual trust, confidence friendship FARAH ADEED allowed the meeting to take place in one of his residence in the main city. I introduced myself as the representative of Army magazine. He welcomed me but spoke against the American coming as part of UNIOSOM. He was of the opinion that Pakistanis being Muslims should not work with the Americans. I on behalf of the Pakistani contingent invited him to attend the BARA KHANA of the Muslims troops. He said that he will try to come and meet the Pakistani troops. But soon, unfortunately, incident of violence and loot increased and the atmosphere became tense and hostile.

Escorting of relief convoys and effective and political handling of the security situation soon the Pakistani won the trust and respect of the local population. Their selfless services provided the SOMALIANS both relief and hope after a dark period of terror and hunger. The goodwill that their human behavior generated was reflected in the Pakistani-Somali Walal (Pakistani & SOMALIANS are brothers) slogan that one heard from an appreciative people. Pakistani troops had become the main operative contingent in the most war ravaged part of MOGADISHU controlled by FARAH ADEED and the other part was under control of ALI MEHDI.

Both factions had been authorized a limited number of arms to be kept in their respective authorized weapon storage sites (AWSS). But individual bandits and gangs were to be disarmed. Also necessary was inspection of AWSS so that accumulation of excessive arms, a potential cause of violence could be checked. This agreement was reached with the major factions, but those who were to be disarmed were not happy to give their weapons and their feelings were exploited by the vested interest.

The ambush on 5th June 1993 the Pakistan troops were informed by the UN Force HQs to carry out an inspection of the weapon storage sites of FARAH ADEED to whom the date and time of inspection had been communicated in advance. No body of the UN Force HQs was able to foresee his reaction and his power to arouse the feelings of his followers against those who were carrying out the inspection, as their groups were engaged in distributing one of the feeding points. The Pakistani inspectors, without provocation, were ambushed by ADEED’S followers. Automatic and rifle fire was intense and even from the windows of the surrounding buildings also engaged the troops who were searching for cover. The ambushers were using children and women as human shield to prevent being fired back. The attackers remained un harmed. Whereas the Pakistani force (a company strong) lost 23 Shaheed + 56 wounded +11 were disabled. With great courage under the enemy fire the troops were extricated and even the dead bodies and wounded were brought back. The senior officers of the UNO commended the daring action of the Pakistani troops. Promptly they were looked after by the medical staff. I was also helping the casualties and making them comfortable. One soldier had a bullet wound in his head, the bullet had made two holes in his skull. He was still alive and sadly asked me “Am going to live and meet my parents”. I caught his hand and told him to pray ALLAH. I looked to wards the doctor who moved his head in the negative. He breathed his last in my lap ALLAH had blessed him with Shahadat, and would ever remain alive in heaven. There were tears in my eyes and I murmured “If war has its chivalry and pageantry, it has also revolting hideousness and demoniac woe”. Mercy abandons the arena of battle. The victim of barbaric war thinks of parents and home and shriek and moans and dies.

The Olympic Hotel Incident
It happened on 3 Oct 1993 when 75 US rangers got stranded and had to the rescued by joint force of US and Pakistani troops. The grim battle lasted 8 hours. The US rangers suffered 17 dead and 77 wounded, while one was captured by ADEED’S force. The role of Pakistan troops was greatly appreciated by UNOSOM chief and other commanders.

Maj General THOMAS Montgomery, Deputy Commander of the UN Forces in a television interview said, ”Many of soldiers are alive today because of the willingness and skill of the Pakistani soldiers who worked firstly in a rescue operation with MALASIAN and American soldiers in most difficult and dangerous combat circumstances.” He thanked the people Pakistan Army for sending such splendid soldiers to SOMALIA who we feel proud to serve with.

Tom Clancy-Cnn
Two Pakistani soldiers had been captured and after few days of negotiation by me. FARAH ADEED was afraid of reprisal and unformed us to arrange their collection at a place in MOGHADISHU. He had called a CNN team to cover the handing and taking over. When I saw the CNN team (under TOM CLANCY) I firmly told them not to make any video, and they agreed.

Two Tragic Events
Many tragic scenes were seen in the aid centers. There were scuffles, snatching of food packets, dragging and everyone trying to reach in front like vultures had been badly injured, those who could hardly walk were crying for help and food. But the battle of survival of the fittest continued till the site was exhausted with food. A Woman carrying the miserable looking sick child approached me for help, I dashed to the distributing centre, collected a few packets and gave her, but in the mean time her hungry sick child expired and she threw all the packets on the ground which were immediately mercilessly collected by others without looking at the dead child and his crying mother.

In the medical aid centre I visited a young handsome injured boy, his left leg was badly damaged and the bone was in three pieces. The doctors team decided to amputee his leg. The boy started weeping and his parents sitting close to the also kept on crying. I consulted all the doctors and specialists who agreed to cover his leg in plaster. After four months the boy could lift his plastered covered leg. It was a sign of convincing improvement.

Daring Action of Pakistani Soldiers
On 5th June 1993 all the food distribution centers were surrounded by the FARAH ADDED’S armed bandits. The local SOMALIS informed us that a Pakistani soldier single handed had been firing his machine gun with indomitable determination. Who so ever reached near him was shot. There was a heap of dead bodies of SOMALIAN bandits, those alive were mercilessly firing and shouting escorting soldiers to surrender. At last all his comrades had either embraced Shahadat or badly wounded. Eventually with invincible determination the brave soldier while still firing his weapon fell and embraced shahadat. On information of the local a team went to the deserted food centre and recovered his dead body which had about 90 wounds. He was posthumously awarded for his gallant action.

Two American Women Embraced Islam
A detachment of Pakistani soldiers was on duty with the Pakistani supply unit located in MOGHADISHU. Two American women (in uniform) drivers used to bring their bowsers to deliver water for distribution to our troops. For collection of water units used to send their water trucks.

Two Pakistani Soldiers who received water from the American women drivers became friendly with them. They used to exchange greetings in their broken English. The American women often saw them offering prayers and were deeply impressed with their behavior devotion for their religion and both the women were impressed prodigiously. Finally after a few months they embraced ISLAM and married the Pakistani Soldiers. It was a most joyful event of our stay in MOGHADISHU.

During the 2nd week of Dec 1992 the major portion of the UNOSOM moved from Karachi by the MOVIN ship (an American ship on lease to Pakistan). It was a nine days journey through the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. The ship was very comfortable and at least 1500 troops were accommodated. The Courses of meals were an excellent and service was prompt, unfortunately within two days there were about 500 sickness cases. The ship was escorted by the destroyer TUGHRIL. The Sea waves would often rise up to 15 feet high and cover the destroyer in the water which was soon drained out. The troop carrying ship also often received shower of sea water. Both the ships were tossing on waves and it was most fascinating scene to watch. At night the white rays of the moon would twinkle on the sea and water disappear in the darkness, only the noise of sea water striking with the ship could be heard. The captain of the ship was most gracious who had given lot information about the ship and the sea. At one point a few hundred nautical miles from MOGHADISHU, be pointed out the deepest place of the Indian Ocean and the ship went over the place. Most of us had collection on the deck and as the ship went over we shouted ‘HURRAH’.

Sadi Gilani
Lt Col (Retd) Saleh Naisar Sadi Gilani was commissioned in 1978 na joined 3 Punjab, the old Battalion of his father. Is Bachelor of Arts (Economics) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Strategic Studies. Served in various intelligence setups for 15 years. Served under UN Mission in SOMALIA.

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