Interview with Abdul Aziz Ibrahim Al-Ghadeer

Honorable Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Pakistan


In the wake of Pakistan’s devastating floods, Saudi Arabia organized a massive relief and rescue operation, can you expand on this?

Pakistan being a brotherly and strategic country confronted lots of natural catastrophe in recent times. It created a colossal physical and human crisis.

Previously, in the times of national crises, the Kingdom arranged an air bridge under the directions of the Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques and transported relief goods without any hindrance, while a Saudi rescue and search team comprised of more than 200 specialized officials sent to these badly affected areas with huge machinery and sophisticated tools to help the struggling and stranded people. After that, the Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques ordered to commence a public campaign to raise funds in the Kingdom to help the victims of floods in different parts of Pakistan. We established a mobile field hospital along with well coordinated different medical camps for providing the basic health care facilities to these affected people. Meanwhile, many Saudi volunteers wholeheartedly participated in distribution of relief goods among the victims, and many doctors volunteered to help them.

The special relationship between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan is historical, how do you believe this relationship can be enhanced?

The Saudi Embassy proudly has been rigorously working for consolidating the brotherly relations between the two nations during the past so many years. The embassy is now devoting its efforts for further enhancing of mutual relations in every field and at every level. The Saudi Embassy did too much in this regard in the past and it will continue its support to the brotherly Pakistani people In Sha Allah.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been highly effective in eliminating terrorism in its country, what advice would you give to Pakistan in this regard?

There were sincere, serious and distinguished efforts and methods used by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the field of counter terrorism, as the ministry of interior arranged conferences, public awareness programs and mobilization campaigns about terrorism and managed to bring many of the beguiled youth to advisory program, which affected many of them and helped them to return to the righteous path.

His Excellency how do you evaluate Pakistan’s role in the ongoing war against terrorism?

Terrorism is anti humanity and we are with government of Pakistan and its people in their fight against terror. We have already succeeded to eradicate this menace from our Kingdom. We extend our support to all countries, currently fighting against terrorism.

How can trade and people to people contact be enhanced between the two countries?

During the last period, many Pakistani businesspersons visited the Kingdom in the wake of its interest in enhancing economic ties and mutual trade and to explore investment opportunities in various fields. We also hope that Pakistan will get out of the present financial crisis and we hope to expand the mutual cooperation to all vibrant fields.

Saudi Arabia`s King Abdullah

What changes do you foresee in the trade portfolios between the two countries? What are your recommendations for its consolidation?

Saudi Arabia is among the 15 export partners of Pakistan and bilateral trade volume has gone above US$ 4 billion per annum and hopefully it would be further increased in the days to come. There are lots of business delegations from Pakistan are going to visit Saudi Arabia in the near future and hopefully, chances are brighter for the further enhancement of trade volumes afterwards.

What are your views on the current violence and instability plaguing Pakistan?

We have faced terrorism in the Kingdom in the past as innocent people were killed and we feel the pain of Pakistan due to it, but I have firm faith in Allah Almighty that Pakistan could pass through this crisis.

Saudi Arabia recently recruited 1,000 doctors and medical specialists from Islamabad and Lahore who will be assigned in various hospitals in the Kingdom, what prompted this?

As you know that the modern medical sciences are developing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in a great way by the grace of Almighty Allah in various specialized medical fields besides putting up new hospitals and health care units in the kingdom and there is deficit in some specializations and expertise and related medical staff. We selected doctors from Pakistan due to there thorough professionalism, dedication, honesty and experience in there field.

What is your vision for the future of the relationship between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan?

Since, we share lots of similarities on many regional and international issues, so we hope that bilateral relations between the two countries would be prosperous and dynamics. There will be many mutual official visits for the sake of common interest of the two countries In Sha Allah.

The government of Pakistan initiated “Common Security Bloc” with the GCC. How do you respond it?

Saudi Arabia’s one of the basic principle of foreign policy is achievement of comprehensive Islamic solidarity. Saudi leadership has always welcomed any proposal that can lead Muslim world towards this goal. So, we appreciate Pakistan’s government initiate on this regard.

Do Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have free trade agreement? If not what are the chances to achieve this goal?

Concrete efforts are still under way to sign Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with our brotherly country, Pakistan. We hope that the said agreement would provide an opportunity to Pakistani exporters to tap the demand for goods in the GCC countries under the reduced tariff, and simultaneously it will open the door of non-oil Saudi exports to Pakistan.

What are your views on the current events witnessed in the Middle East?

There is no doubt that the people have rights to enjoy welfare and freedom, but they must also abide by their responsibilities. It is also true that states must maintain law and order situation and secure peaceful atmosphere for its people and the last but not the least protect its national interest & goals. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by the grace of Allah Almighty achieved socio-economic development and institutionalized reforms and created trustworthy relations between the leaders and common people. You did see how people took out to the streets holding pictures of the Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques to express their loyalty and affection for him over what he had presented to his faithful nation for so many years.

What are your views on pan-Islamic organizations such as the OIC of which both Pakistan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are both members?

The Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) is the most important umbrella organization of Muslims brotherhood in the contemporary world and it is playing important role in different fields.

Foreign Policy is the reflection of socio-economic strength and international commitments. What are the main characteristics of your country’s foreign policy?

The basic principles of Saudi foreign policy can be generally summarized as it harmonizes with the principles of the Islamic Law (Sharia’a) considering it the constitution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It values the principle of sovereignty and non interference in the internal affairs of any country. In addition, it strongly rejects any attempt of others to interfere in her internal affairs. It works out for international peace and justice, and rejects the use of power and violence or any actions that threaten the international peace or lead to the building up of injustice and autocracy.

We as a sovereign nation, condemn and reject all methods and mechanisms of international terrorism, and confirm that Islam is above suspicion of all terrorist activities. We respect and adherence to the regulations of the international law, agreements, charters, and bilateral agreements, as well as respecting them all either within the framework of international organizations or other agreements.

One of the main characteristics of our foreign policy is that we defend Arab and Islamic issues in the international arena through continuous support by all political, diplomatic, and economic means. Moreover, nonalignment and rejection of disputes that threaten international security and peace, and respect the right of people for self-determination and their lawful rights for self-defense are prominent features of our foreign policy.

Through our articulated and balanced foreign policy we have already succeeded to resolve lots of regional issues.

Saudi Arabia’s economy is strong, governance is sustainable and society is vibrant. How you conceive highly projected “Arab Spring”?

The system of governance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is based on Justice, consultation “Shoura” and equality according to the Islamic Shari’ah. Development in Saudi Arabia is characterized with balance, universality and divine guidance. Its economy is stable, strong and sustainable.

Saudi macro economy is the biggest and strongest in the Gulf Cooperation Council and Middle East and Africa region (MENA). Despite, ongoing regional economic recession and global financial crunch, its economy has observed a robust growth and pace of development. Saudi visionary and wise leadership has always focused on the welfare and social well being of its general masses. The love and respect of Saudi leadership is deep rooted in the hearts of its people.

These are a few of the ground realities that differentiate Saudi Arabia from its Arab neighbors recently passing through difficult times and thus invalidate any violent change.

Recently, Jordan and Morocco applied for the membership in the GCC. What are their chances to achieve it?

The Supreme Council of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) will finally decide about the membership of Jordon and Morocco. However, if these states comply with the charter and aims of GCC they may join GCC in the future.

What are the chances of regional energy cooperation among the GCC? Furthermore what role Saudi Arabia can play in this regard?

GCC countries have agreed on formation of a common policy regarding exploration, refining, marketing, pricing of oil, natural gas and other energy resources. The GCC Interconnection Authority (GCCIA) is already working on electricity linkage project, aimed at providing electricity to member countries in a sustainable and competitive manner.

Being the strongest and number one economy in the GCC/ Middle East what were the main economic indicators of your national economy in 2011?

Saudi Arabia forecasted a budget surplus of 12 billion riyals for the next year 2012 and plans to spend 690 billion riyals on infrastructure, public services, education, training and health sectors. Economic growth is expected to be 6.8 percent this year.

Saudi Arabia will spend 250 billion riyals to fund the construction of 500,000 homes. The 2012 plan included funds to build 742 schools and 137 hospitals, a 13 percent increase in education spending, and 1.1 billion riyals earmarked for technical and vocational training, to help move more of the country’s unemployed into jobs.

Saudi Arabia is one of the world’s top 10 most competitive economies and the largest free market in Middle East and North Africa. KSA is a nation that is preparing for a future that’s more inclusive, expansive, sustainable and integrated on both economic and social levels. New communications infrastructures, new transport routes, state of the art industrial complexes, dynamic training opportunities and a commitment to greater business efficiencies is helping to build a nation of sustainable prosperity.

Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz

The IMF praised Saudi Arabia for the strength of its economy and its leadership role in stabilizing the world oil markets. What factors in your government’s agenda account for this?

In view of Kingdom’s position as the major oil producer and the holder of the largest world oil reserve, Saudi government’s strategy is to implement a balanced and reasonable policy in the field of oil production. This stance has given Saudi Arabia the leadership role in stabilizing the world oil markets.

Would tell us the salient features of Saudi Arabia Budget 2012?

Saudi Arabia being the largest economy of the region and biggest oil exporter of the world announced a balanced budget for 2012. It assures GDP, investments and greater numbers of socio-economic projects in 2012. It also promises to generate hundreds of thousands new jobs during 2012. In regional context, the higher GDP percentage of Saudi Arabia would be catalyst for the regional economic pace and business activities. Further diversification of economy and development of SMEs would bring desired dividends in the days to come.

The government of Saudi Arabia announced a $187 billion surplus budget 2012 which clearly showed its wise leadership strong commitments to provide every possible facility to its people. Saudi Arabia being the largest economy of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and MENA (Middle East and North Africa) is also taking all possible measures to mitigate the spillover repercussions of so-called Arab Spring and ongoing global economic recession and financial crunch by announcing another balanced budget for 2012.

Furthermore it would generate more employment opportunities in the country. According to the budget the GDP is going to achieve 6.8 percent in 2012 which was the country’s fastest expansion since 7.7 per cent in 2003. The finance ministry forecasted revenues at 702 billion riyals ($187 billion), while expenditures are projected at 690 billion riyals. Figures of the different sectors of the macro-economy strongly indicated that overall growth was higher than expectations because of robust development in the private sector and industrial sectors.

The budget showed that the government sector grew 6.7 per cent during the current fiscal year while the private sector achieved 8.3 per cent. During 2011 revenues reached to 1.1 trillion riyals while expenditures totaled 804 billion riyals or 224 billion more than had initially been forecast.

The non-oil industrial sector grew an estimated 15 per cent and the construction sector 11.6 per cent. The finance ministry and Central Bank of Saudi Arabia earlier estimations about country’s GDP was 5.1 percent but actual GDP surpassed it i.e. 6.8 percent in 2011.

King Abdullah initiated a $130 billion public spending plan that largely benefited the kingdom’s lower income population. The funds were aimed at building hundreds of thousands of housing units, as well as creating jobs, raising salaries and offering unemployment benefits.

What would be the prospects of Saudi macro economy in 2012?

While most of the world is passing through from difficult times since 2008 due on going global economic recession and financial crunch, Saudi Arabia has already achieved elements of stability and sustainability in its national economy. Public spending is getting higher and higher in my country where as, most of the governments are badly trapped in debts. According to the budget 2012 the GDP is going to achieve 6.8 percent in 2012 which was the country’s fastest expansion since 7.7 per cent in 2003. So, prospects are very bright and we moving in right direction of massive socio-economic development arena. Moreover, we are one of the important members of G-20 which also endorses our economic prosperity and achievements.

Would you share with us some about diversified social development projects of your country in recent times?

During the current fiscal year the Kingdom introduced many meaningful social development schemes/projects/programs for the overall wellbeing of its people due to which its expenditures reached to a record 804 billion riyals (Dh787.01 billion) this year, a 39 per cent increase over its initial plan (its initial plan is to spend 690 billion riyals in 2012).

In 2011 the concept of social nets was redesigned and succeeded to achieve desired dividends. Diversified but integrated socio-economic development projects maintained a sustainable social and economic infrastructure in Saudi Arabia during 2011. Government being the major economic player contributed tremendously due to which inflation was kept within manageable limits. According to ministry the inflation is expected to average 4.7 per cent this year, below 5.3 per cent in 2010.

How high GDP ratios could help the GCC and MENA?

Economic works in integration and it is expected that higher economic growth of Saudi Arabia would also support trade and commerce activities in the region. Higher GDP percent of Saudi Arabia would be a boost for economic growth in the region. Saudi Arabia is the biggest Arab economy having free trade agreement (FTA) with six the Gulf Cooperation Council countries would be game-changer in the region for the public and private sectors.

Mega investment projects of Saudi Arabia would provide hundreds of thousands new jobs in the region. There will be more exports from the GCC to Saudi because of higher local demand in Saudi.

Would you please highlight some ongoing socio-economic projects of your government in the country?

Saudi Arabia has always been keen interested in the social and economical development of Pakistan and it provided financial assistance during the earthquake of 2005, and floods of 2010 and 2011. It also pledged $700 million for Pakistan in the Tokyo Donors.

The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Pakistan is passionately facilitating many ongoing mega projects of education, health, housing, infrastructure, clean drinking water and electrification in different parts of the country. Most recently, both countries inked two loan agreements amounting to $172 million for import of urea fertilizer $100 million and initiating development projects $72 million. Both loans would have multiplier effects on the socio-economic conditions of these social economic sectors. It would reduce high ratios of poverty. It would generate more employment in these troubled areas. It would support business activities in these areas and improve their living standards by providing better education, health and housing facilities.

It is glad to share that with signing of the two agreements, Saudi Arabia has become the only country that has fully disbursed the entire amount of $700 million committed at the Friends of Democratic Pakistan (FODP) forum two years ago.

To honor its financial commitments, last year, Saudi Arabia pledged an additional $400 million at the Pakistan Development Forum (PDF). The $100 million credit for urea fertilizer import was part of that commitment while for remaining $300 million Pakistan has selected some social projects, which have been sent to Saudi Arabia for assessment.

Moreover, to fulfill the requirements of agriculture, Saudi Arabia has provided Urea loan which is for a short period at an interest rate of London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor) plus 1.25 per cent. Under the agreed loan/program, the Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) will import urea from Saudi Arabia and provide the fertilizer to National Fertiliser Marketing Limited (NFML) for its fair distribution. It also shows strong commitment of the Saudi Arabian government towards supporting the Pakistan government in promoting the well-being and economic prosperity of its people. We hope that urea fertilizer credit facility ($100 million) would benefit the agricultural sector of Pakistan, boost food production and maximise farmer income with the use of qualitative Urea fertilizer.

The second loan of $72 million would be spent for reconstruction in the Malakand Division, Bajaur Agency and North and South Waziristan. In this connection, the reconstruction activity, including repair of roads, would contribute to increasing agricultural productivity and enhance educational and health standards for the people of the region. Rehabilitation work includes construction of 283 KMS of major roads and 887 KMS of other roads along with 43 bridges and 78 culverts.

The last but not the least, the loan will also be used for construction of main and branch canals with flood protection work, water storage, supply of lift pumps, construction of educational facilities in South Waziristan, North Waziristan and Bajaur and rehabilitation of power network and transmission lines.

His Excellency how do you find your stay and living in Pakistan?

It is my home. I feel at home with my own family while staying in Pakistan.

You have a wealth of diplomatic experience, what drew you to a career in diplomacy?

From my university days, it was my ultimate goal to join this field, because I think myself a man of diplomacy.

What is your message to common people of Pakistan?

I am part of this brave nation. Its happiness and sorrows are solely mine. We are with them in their national crises in shape of natural catastrophe. Pak-Saudi Arabia friendship is time tested.

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Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan holds the degrees of MPA (Management & Marketing) and Journalism (Development & Public Relations) From the University of the Punjab. Lahore. He Is research scholar. Did Various Courses relating To banking, law and HRM Contributed articles on Banking Economics (Pakistan & International) , Geo - Strategic issues (regional & global) with especial reference to south East Asia, Middle East and Central Asia, Current affairs, Comparative international power politics and diplomacy in various local and foreign newspapers, Journals and departments like, BBC Asia Network, MMN, USA, Journal of world Affairs and New Technology, USA and AIDS AND BEHAVIOR USA.


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