Friday, February 21, 2025

An objective rebuttal to a subjective inquiry into Islams Part-2

In the previous issue, three objections raised by the opponents of Islam as part of their mischievous propaganda campaign against Islam were answered. This article provides rebuttal to eight more objections, mostly related with militant aspects, a popular theme of the extremists of West.

Objection # 4: Islam commands its followers to create a government that supports it to bring all people on earth under the rule of Islamic law.

Every religion which commends itself widely to human beings and lasts through some space of time has a glimpse of Truth in it. But Islam being the perfect light of Truth is bound to prevail. As the greater Light, through its own strength, outshines all lesser lights, so will Islam outshine all else, in spite of the displeasure of those to whom light is an offence. Allah says: “He it is who has sent forth His Apostle with the [task of spreading] guidance and the religion of truth, to the end that He may cause it to prevail over all [false] religion-however hateful this may be to those who ascribe divinity to aught beside God.” (Qur’an; 9:33, also 48:28, 3:19). The divine disposition of events in the coming of Islam and its promulgation by the Prophet (pbuh) are themselves evidence of the truth of Islam and its all-reaching character; for there is nothing which it has not influenced. The fast growth of Islam has forced them to launch a new crusade, because ideologically they can not outshine Islam. There is no need to enforce Islam or Shari’a upon others, they are willingly accepting Islam after pragmatic analysis viz their existing beliefs and spiritual deprivation.

Lack of understanding of Islam is bound to raise disdainful perceptions. While Bible mentions about rule through kings [1 Samuel;8:20] Qur’an emphasize government based upon Shura [consultation, core of modern democracy] (Qur’an; 42:38). The success of Islam rests in its doctrines like strong conviction of life hereafter, the cardinal doctrine of Islam. The life in this world is not an end in itself; it has to be viewed in totality along with final reward in hereafter. Hence worldly power and authority may not necessarily be the only reward or goal for believers, their main thrust is on eternal life in hereafter. However asceticism and monasticism is not prescribed by Islam. Success in this life and hereafter is the balanced approach with inclination to hereafter. It is elucidated by Qur’an: “And verily the hereafter will be better for thee than the present.” (Qur’an;93:4),“Those who do wish for the (things of) the Hereafter, and strive there for with all due striving, and have Faith,- They are the ones whose striving is acceptable (to Allah.). Of the bounties of Thy Lord we bestow freely on all- these As well As those: the bounties of Thy Lord are not closed (to anyone). See How we have bestowed more on some than on others; but Verily the Hereafter is more In Rank and gradation and more In excellence” (Qur’an; 17:19-21). The acquisition of power or rule in Islam is not for worldly gains of glory, wealth and splendor but to free the people form the yokes of materialistic ideologies which subjugate people for exploitation and oppression for benefit of few. This motivated the people of Visigothic kingdom in Spain to liberate the masses from the tyrannical, suppressive and corrupt rule of King Roderick.

Allah Grants, Kingship, Rule and Authority on Land to Any One, Even Unbelievers
The Sovereignty belongs to Allah. God is not bound to grant Kingship and Rule on the land to some specific people only; it is totally at His discretion. Hence high status wealth and honor is not symbol of closeness to Allah. He grants rule and authority on land to unbelievers as well as believers (pious and sinners) according to His Wisdom and Plan: “Say: “O Allah! Maalik al-Mulk [Lord of power and Rule] , You give power to whom You please and strip off power from whomsoever You please; You give honor to whom You please and disgrace to whom You please; all the good is in Your hand; surely You have power over everything.”(Qur’an;3:26). Prophet Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary Christ warned Jews: “Therefore I say unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.”(Matthew;21:43)., It was the death-knell of the Jewish nation with their hopes of political and religious world leadership, ultimately transferred to the Children of Ishmael (Arabs & Muslims):

He may grant Authority & Rule to His believing servants to check mischief on land: “Had not Allah repelled some people by the might of others, the monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which Allah’s praise is daily celebrated, would have been utterly demolished. Allah will certainly help those who help His cause; most surely Allah is Mighty, Powerful.”(Qur’an;22:40).“By Allah’s will they routed them: and David slew Goliath; and Allah gave him power (al-Mulk) and wisdom and taught him whatever (else) He willed. And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another the earth would indeed be full of mischief but Allah is full of bounty to all the worlds.”(Qur’an;2:251). If believers as a community desert the cause of Allah and deviate from the straight path, He may punish them and replace with better people, [see Qur’an;4:133, 70:40-41;35:15-16]. It happened in destruction of Abbasids Arabs rulers through Mongols, who later converted to Islam, afterward Ottoman Turks took over the rule.

Rule and Power is not the sole domain of believers,
it is also granted to Un-Believers

As it is historically established fact that belief in One God or obedience to God is not the criteria for grant of rule and authority on the land. History is full of tyrants like Pharaoh, Alexander, Hitler and Stalin who built mighty empires despite being unbelievers. An example is quoted: “Remember how you were made successors (Khulafa) after ‘Ad and settled in the land, capable of building mansions in the valleys and carving out homes in the mountains. Therefore, remember the favors of Allah and do not spread mischief in the land. The arrogant leaders from his nation asked the oppressed among them who have believed: “Do you really believe that Salih is a Messenger from his Lord?” They replied: “We do indeed believe in the revelation which he has been sent.””(Qur’an;7:74-75). “Remember that he made you successors (Khulafa) after the people of Noh and gave you a tall stature as compared to other people. Therefore, remember the favors that you have received from Allah, so that you may prosper. They replied: “Have you come to us with the demand that we should worship Allah Alone and give up those whom our forefathers used to worship? Well, bring us what you are threatening us with if what you say is true!””(Qur’an;7:69-70).

Allah in His Mercy, grants prosperity and wealth to humanity as a whole. It is trial to check their gratefulness to God through obedience: “That it is He Who gives wealth and satisfaction”(Qur’an;53:48).“When they neglected the warning they had received, then, instead of punishment, We opened the gates of every kind of prosperity for them; but just as they were rejoicing in what they were given, We suddenly seized them; lo! They were plunged into despair! ;”(Qur’an;6:44 also 7:95 17:18, 21.35, 18:7).

Allah bestows His grace freely, but He never withdraws it arbitrarily. Before He changes their state and circumstances, an actual state of rebellion and contumacy has arisen in their own souls, which brings about its inevitable punishment: “Allah has never changed the blessings which He has bestowed on a people until they themselves changed the condition of their souls; verily Allah hears all and knows all.”(Qur’an;8:53).“Allah never changes the condition of a people until they intend to change it themselves.”(Qur’an;13:11)

Allah is not intent on punishment. He created man virtuous and pure; he gave him intelligence and knowledge; he surrounded him with all sorts of instruments of His grace and mercy. If, in spite of all this, man distorts his own will and goes against Allah’s Will, yet is Allah’s forgiveness open to him if he will take it. It is only when he has made his own self blind and changed his own nature or soul away from the beautiful mould in which Allah formed it, that Allah’s Wrath will descend on him and the favorable position in which Allah placed him will be changed. When once the punishment comes, there is no turning it back. None of the things which he relied upon- other than Allah-can possibly protect him.

Power to Believers
The concept of Khilafat is has been adopted as a maxim by some organizations and groups in Muslim countries to seek support form the masses to gain power. Some of them believe in peaceful struggle while the extremist justify use of violence and terrorism to get in to power. It is claimed that through establishment of Khilafat they will be able to implement Shari’a, get rid of corrupt rulers, provide quick justice, end oppression of Muslims and exploitation of their resource by super powers. Hence they will regain the lost glory of Muslim Ummah by uniting them under a Khalifah. Some even think of extending to global level. They derive support form verse 55, of Surah Nur (24), commonly known as ‘Ayah Ishtikhlaf’ [The Verse for Khilafat]:

“Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), (yasta-khlif-anna -hum fe-al-’ard) As He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their Religion – the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (Their state), after the fear In which They (lived), to one of security and peace: ‘They will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with Me. ‘If any do reject Faith after this, They are rebellious and wicked.”(Qur’an;24:55).

Instead of taking this one verse in isolation, it may be appropriate that it may be read and interpreted against the background of the Qur’an as a whole. The general divine policy for grant of Khilafat in the sense of power, rule, and kingship has been outlined in the verses of Qur’an mentioned above.[Qur’an;3:26, 2:251, 22:40, 5:40, 48:14. 47:38, 4:133, 70:40-41, 35:15-16, 7:69, 7:74, 8:53, 13:11].

Majority of scholars including Syed Abul Ala Moududi and Moulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi through Ibn Kathir, agree that the direct addressees of this promise of Allah, were the Muslims living in the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him). However indirectly it may also apply to the future generations of Muslims under identical conditions. The promise of Allah for bestowal of successorship (Khalifah) in the land is ONLY for those believers, who are true in faith, pious in character, sincere in devotion and who follow Allah’s religion in letter and spirit eschewing every tinge of shirk (polytheism). Allah warn the hypocrites that this promise is not meant for those people who are Muslims in name only, lacking above mentioned qualities and pay mere lip service to Islam, they are neither worthy of this promise nor its addressees. Therefore they should entertain no hope of having any share in Khalifah (successorship) in the land.

Muslims believe that Prophet Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary (peace be upon him), will return before end of the world. He will prove that he was only a messenger of God and a human being, nothing more. He will kill the swine, break the cross, and abolish Jazyah [a tax taken from the non-Muslims who are in the protection of the Muslim government]. He will establish the Kingdom of God, all submitting to the will of God (Islam). He will rule as just ruler for 40 years, kill anti Christ (Shahi-Bukhari:3:425, 656,4:657, Abu-Dawud, Hadith:2025). Hence any one else trying to under take the mission of Prophet Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary (peace be upon him) can himself find his place!

Political Philosophy of Islam
In the traditional democracies where Sovereignty belongs to the people, exercised thorough their elected representatives, in Islam the Sovereignty belongs to Allah [Qur’an;9:116], “Allah grants kingship [rule] to whom He pleases.”(Qur’an;2:247). The power is exercised by the ruler, elected or chosen by Muslims through consultation (Shura, 42:38) as representative (Khalifah) through Shari’a [Islamic law]. Islamic philosophy is based on the belief that all spheres of life (including hereafter), spiritual, social, political, and economic form an indivisible unity that must be thoroughly imbued with Islamic values. This ideal forms such concepts as “Islamic law” (Shari’a) and the “Islamic state” and accounts for Islam’s strong emphasis on social & spiritual life and duties in society. Even the cardinal religious duties prescribed in the five pillars of Islam have clear social implications therefore; religious authorities have had considerable political influence in the Muslim societies.

Caliphate – A Political Concept
A caliphate is the traditional Islamic form of government, headed by a Khalifah (Caliph), either appointed or elected, who is considered the political leader of all Muslims. The caliphate also incorporates a shura, a body similar to a parliament that represents the will of the people and may elect and advise the caliph. One group of thinkers considers that the concept of Caliphate as a political concept does not rely on any clear evidence from the Sunnah. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) established a state at Medina comprising believers and non believers, he did mention about his successors in rule (Khalifah). Narrated Abu Huraira; The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The Israelis used to be politically ruled and governed by prophets: Whenever a Prophet died, another would take over his place. There will be no prophet after me, but there will be Caliphs who will increase in number.”[Extract from Sahih Bukhari volume.4, Number.661].

The Prophet (peace be upon him) however did not specifically advocate any form of government, or the political entity. This is the reason why the choice of the first five caliphs in Islam took five different procedures. All of them meet the general principle that Islamic government is consultative (shura), practice justice, and establish system of Prayer (Salah) and Zakah (alms, obligatory charity), enjoining good, forbidding evil in line with Qur’anic injunctions at 42:38, 3:159 and 22:41. The era of first four caliphs is considered as an era of Khilafat-e-Rashida [Rightly Guided Caliphs]. The individual character, personalities of first four caliphs and their strict adherence to the tenets of Islam being close associate of Prophet (peace be upon him) made them a role model for others to follow. However no Muslim ruler could ever reach closer to the high standards of ‘Khilafat-e-Rashida’ except Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz (682-720), [also called Umar-II]. The other rulers in Muslim history, who declared to be Caliph, were hereditary kings, using ‘Khalifah’ as title to claim some legitimacy and religious support.

Khilafat-Historic Overview
Though originally, and ideally according to some, a caliphate is a unique entity that unites all Muslims under its rule, there have been concurrent and even competing caliphates at some points in history. The caliphate began after the death of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). The first four successors to that office were chosen by consensus of the Muslim community’s elders and were known as leaders of the believers. After them the caliphate became hereditary. Two principle dynasties, the Umayyads and Abbasids, dominated the caliphate until destruction by Mongols in 1258. The Mamluk sultanate kept members of the Abbasid family as titular caliphs in Cairo until the Ottoman conquest of Egypt in 1517. Ottoman sultans were then widely recognized as caliphs till abolition of the caliphate by Atatürk in 1924 on establishment of republic of Turkey.

While the majorities of caliphates have been centered in the Middle East and exercised authority over Muslims around the world, a notable exception is the Caliphate of Cordoba [Spain] that ruled the Iberian Peninsula during the 10th and 11th centuries. The Iberian Peninsula became part of the Islamic Empire during the 8th century, when the Umayyad Caliphate ruled out of Damascus. In 750, the Abbasids overthrew the Umayyads in the Middle East, marking the beginning of a five-century dynasty. However, descendents of the Umayyads remained in control of Spain, eventually setting up a caliphate there. Many of Spain’s most famous and beautiful buildings date from the period of the caliphate, including the Great Mosque of Córdoba (Qurtaba).

It should be noted that, although the office of the caliph (Khalifah, one who is successor to the Prophet in rule) is not a spiritual office [First Four Rightly Guided Caliphs, may be an exception being very close pious companions of Prophet (peace be upon him), directly taught and groomed by him], but the institution was imbued with political and religious symbolism, particularly regarding the unity of the Muslim community hence traditionally many Muslim rulers symbolically bore allegiance to the Caliph. The caliph held temporal and sometimes a degree of spiritual authority this does not imply any functions comparable to those of the Roman Catholic Pope. The caliph has no authority either to define dogma or, indeed, even to legislate. He is the chief executive of a community based upon religion, and his primary function is to implement the sacred law and work in the general interests of the community. He himself is not above the law and if necessary can even be deposed, at least in theory. The ruler could not become absolute because a basic restraint was placed upon him by the Shari’a law under which he held his authority and which he dutifully was bound to execute and defend. When, in the latter half of the 16th century, the Mughal emperor Akbar in India wanted to arrogate to himself the right of administrative-legal absolutism, the strong reaction of the orthodox thwarted his attempt. In general, the ‘ulama` (religious scholars) jealously upheld the sovereign position of the Shari’a against the political authority.

The effective shift of power from the caliph to the sultan was, again, reflected in the redefinition of the functions of the caliph. It was conceded that, if the caliph administered through wazirs (viziers or ministers) or subordinate rulers (amirs), it was not necessary for him to embody all the physical, moral, and intellectual virtues theoretically insisted upon earlier. In practice, however, the caliph was no more than a titular head from the middle of the 10th century onward, when real power passed to self-made and adventurous amirs and sultans, who merely used the caliph’s name for legitimacy.

The Islamic Government
The Islamic system of government is based on consultation, equal justice, freedom of expression, and serving the interest of the community. [see Qur’an;42:38, 39,42,43]A government that does not try its best to serve and protect the interests of the community is not Islamic even if it professes to believe in Islam and its system and values. In fact the aim of all Islamic legislation is to serve the interests of the community and to protect every individual – his self, mind, offspring, property and religion, as these are the five essentials of a human being. Islam does not lay down any rigid form of Islamic government, leaving this to every Muslim community to determine within the outlined guiding principles. Islamic government is a consultative one. While talking about consultative government, Islam does not lay down any form for how the consultation is to be made. Every Muslim community may decide what institutions to establish in order to achieve the requirement of consultation. If it opts for a democratic system of the type which prevails in Europe, then that system can certainly be accommodated within an Islamic government. In a different set up, a Muslim country may decide to choose its overall leader by elections or by a referendum or by some other means, which ensures that the feelings of the Muslim community are determined. Any of these methods is acceptable. A democratic government could be an Islamic government if it resolves to implement Islamic law, because by definition a democratic government provides a process of consultation. If such consultation is genuine and the law to be implemented is Islamic. It must also guarantee freedom of expression and equality of all people before the law. Secularism is incompatible with the Islamic system, because secularism allows no position for religion in the system of government. But if we take the aspect of equality of all people which secularism advocates, then this concept of secularism is compatible with Islam. What is most important to remember is that an Islamic government is an ideological government. It believes in the Islamic faith and it seeks to implement the laws of Islam, sparing no effort for the achievement of that goal.

A country is Islamic if it declares that it wants to conduct its affairs in line with the code of living God revealed in the Qur’an and explained by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This means that any law or regulation a country adopts will be in line with the message of Islam. If it is found that there is a contradiction between any part of a law in force in that country and Islamic teachings, then that law will be considered null and void while Islamic teachings will be implemented. Take, for example, a country, which declares itself Islamic, but the law in force permits usury, use of intoxicants, narcotics, gambling, fornication and, homosexuality, such country can not be called Islamic.

Last five hundred years witnessed gradual decline of Muslim empires and colonization of their lands by Christians from the West. Though most of Muslims got independence but the legacy continues in the form of neocolonialism. The nostalgia of Caliphate lingers on the collective memory of Muslims as a symbol of unity in the glorious past. The urge for revival of splendor and dignity has turned some to make efforts for revival of the Caliphate, as a quick fix to the complex problems of lost identify and grandeur but they lack mass support. Keeping in view the success of European Union model, it may not be rejected altogether. There are many other forums for regional cooperation in the new world which is a global village now. The high-tech communications, advancement in science and technology has brought people together. Hence a distant dream may come true in future. The OIC may act as spring board.

Shari’a is part of Islamic faith, which does not advocate compulsion and coercion: “If it had been the will of your Lord that all the people of the world should be believers, all the people of the earth would have believed! Would you then compel mankind against their will to believe?”(Qur’an;10:99, also 6:149); “There is no compulsion in religion”(Qur’an;2:256). Hence how it is justified to allege that; ‘Islam commands its followers to create a government that supports it to bring all people on earth under the rule of Islamic law’. However every one has the right to preach and convince others about its merits of his ideology, followers of capitalism, communism, and atheism are ever trying to project usefulness of their ideologies and systems, what’s wrong if Muslims inform the world about the merits of Shari’a? Saudi Arabia has partly implemented Shari’a; the crime rate is among the lowest among similar cultural groups. As far as criminal law is concerned every society or state has its own laws, which could be based upon Roman Law, Common Law [English Law], Islamic Law or any other which they consider to be effective and suitable to them. If a society chooses to adopt Islamic criminal law even if they are non Muslims it is their choice. Similarly in an Islamic state, Shari’a is the law of land, then all the citizens will be governed by it [except on their religious matters], as is the case with those who adopt Roman Law. Lets take an other example, death penalty has been abolished in European Union states. In USA some states have it while others don’t. It’s their choice, then why object to adoption of Shari’a [Islamic Law] by choice not coercion! If some people think that Shari’a law is good to keep peace and order in society and peacefully plead for it, no one should get alarmed. The Muslims in UK or in EU want Shari’a as their personal law, it should not bother others.

While the ignorant extremist among Christians criticize Islamic and its political system, their intellectuals hold opposite views. The modern philosopher and political theorist, Rousseau (1712-78 C.E) admits, the practicability of the Islamic polity and records in ‘Social Contract’, that: ‘Muhammad held very sane views, and linked his political system well together; and as long as the form of his government continued under the Caliphs, who succeeded him, the government was indeed on and so far good’.

Sir George Bernard Shaw

Sir George Bernard Shaw writes: “If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam.” “I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him – the wonderful man and in my opinion for from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity.”…”I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.”[ ‘The Genuine Islam,’ Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936] [Allah knows the best]

Objection # 5: Islam urges Muslims to spread the religion by war:
This is another successful innovation (source). Although some other religions have spread themselves using force, they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines to do so. Not so with Islam. Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the idea-collection. Islamic teachings present it this way: The non-Muslims need to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah’s. If they won’t voluntarily change their laws to Shari’a, then it is a Muslim’s duty to insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah. Mohammad’s own experience showed the example — an example, says the Qur’an 91 times, that every Muslim should follow. At first, Mohammad tried to spread Islam by peaceful means. After thirteen years he’d gained 150 converts. But then he changed tactics and started using caravan raids, warfare, executions, ransoming captives, and assassination, and within ten years he converted tens of thousands. After he died, his followers used the same tactics and converted millions. And by now it is one and a half billion. The use of warfare combines synergistically and powerfully with the instruction to create an Islamic state. So Islam spread quickly as their armies got bigger. They conquered and set up Islamic states, most of which have lasted to this day, and the laws within an Islamic state make Islam very difficult to dislodge. The laws also make it very advantageous to convert to Islam. This is one of the most effective methods ever invented for getting an idea-collection followed by huge numbers of people. It’s a method of control and indoctrination similar to those used successfully in communist and totalitarian states. But as you’ll discover below, Islam makes unique use of the power of the law to enforce complete conversion to the religion.

Islam started under unique conditions. All other major religions were started within an already-existing state. Islam is an historical exception to this rule. Any organized government will, of course, put a stop to violent uprisings of a rebellious political group — especially one that wants to wage war and apply its own system of law. Christianity arose within the Roman Empire, for example. If Christianity had been a militant or political uprising, Rome would probably have killed or imprisoned the followers. Probably many military or political religions did start up then, but we’ve never heard of them. They couldn’t get off the ground. But Islam arose in Arabia when there was no central ruling power. The whole area was comprised of individual tribes. Under those circumstances, conversion by war and the use of force was possible.

Warfare and Humanity
It is irrational to ignore the lust of blood in stubborn man as a form of evil which has to be combated “within the limits”, set by Allah. At the time of creation of Adam: “The angels said: Will You place there one who will make mischief and shed blood? ..”(Qur’an;2:30). It may undoubtedly be realized that human beings often resort to war without solid justification, at times over petty matters. One has to look at history, the past and present. The motives of war could be many, broadly they are; (1) Pursuit of trade and to gain economic advantage, (2) Spread of influence or religion, (3) Desire for security and political power, and (4) Combination of one or more of these three. At different times and in different places, different motives are dominant. War is a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between political units, such as states or nations or between rival political factions of the same state or nation. It is a popular myth among critics that Islam was spread through wars [Jihad] ordained upon Muslims through Qur’an. Warfare is one of the ways to defend oneself when all peaceful efforts and persuasion fails, and aggressor try to impose its will upon weak. Human history is witness to the fact that those who did not resist oppression and aggression suffered.

Warfare [armed struggle, Qital] was also permissible in the previous scriptures. It is mentioned in Qur’an: “Indeed God has purchased from the believers their persons and their wealth and in return has promised them paradise; they fight in the cause of Allah and slay and are slain. This is a true promise which is binding on Him mentioned in Torah, the Gospel and the Qur’an; and who is more true in fulfilling his promise than Allah? Rejoice, therefore, in the bargain which you have made, and that is a mighty achievement.”(Qur’an;9:111). As regards actual ‘fighting with the sword’ there has been some difference in theological theories at different times, but very little in the practice of those who framed those theories.

Ruthless Wars of Extermination in Bible
Apart form the other religions and civilizations, Judaism, Christianity and Islam have common roots, through their common ancestor Prophet Abraham [peace be upon him]. Hence a glance at their scriptures is relevant for evaluation. The Israelites took possession of the Promised Land by conquest. They engaged in a long and bloody war before the Canaanites tribes were finally subdued. Israel was employed by God to sweep them away from off the face of the earth. In entering on this new stage of the war, the tribe of Judah, according to divine direction, took the lead. In the days of Saul and David the people of Israel engaged in many wars with the nations around, and after the division of the kingdom into two they often warred with each other. They had to defend themselves also against the inroads of the Egyptians, the Assyrians, and the Babylonians. The whole history of Israel from first to last presents but few periods of peace. With occupation of Palestinian lands, through ruthless oppression and persecution the prospects of peace in the world are bleak. The Biblical wars were ruthless wars of extermination; the Old Testament does not mince words:

“And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the word. And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.” (Leviticus;26:7-8)

“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand; To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD” (Psalm;149:6-9).

“And he said unto them, Thus says the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor. And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.” (Exodos;32:26-28)

“Now therefore Kill every male among the little ones, and Kill every woman (female) that hath known man by lying (having sex) with him. “But keep Alive for yourselves all the Girls and all the women who are Virgins.”(Numbers;31:17-18).

The Jews salvaged for themselves; “and thirty-two thousand persons in all, women who had not known man by lying with him.”(Numbers; 31:35).

“But in the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance, (O’ Jews) you shall save alive nothing that breathes,(Deuteronomy;20:16).

‘And they (the Jews) Utterly Destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep, and Ass, with the edge of the sword”(Joshua;6:21),”He (Joshua) let None remain alive.” (Joshua;10:28).
Qur’an also motions about Jewish warfare at ;2:54, 5:21-22; 5:26; 2:246, 2:251.

In the New Testament the Prophet Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary (peace be upon him) says:
“But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”(Luke; 9:27)
Saint. Paul, in commending the worthy fruits of Faith, mentions the warriors of the Old Testament as his ideals:
“And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets — who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, received promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched raging fire, escaped the edge of the sword, won strength out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.” (Hebrews; 11: 32-34).

The monkish morality of the Gospels in their present form has never been followed by any self-respecting Christian or other nation in history.

1) Pope Urban II (1088-99 C.E) coined the phrase ‘Holy War’, launched the Crusades movement which was subsequently vigorously supported by his followers for two centuries(1095-1291 C.E), causing death and destruction to millions besides sowing seeds of hatred and enmity among the followers of two great civilizations which still haunts the humanity.

2) The association of Missionaries with Crusades posed a moral theological problem that troubled medieval Christian thinkers.

3) Thirteenth-century Christian theologians held that conversion could not be forced, but most agreed that force could legitimately be used to preserve a situation in which peaceful propaganda was possible, and they continued to support the Crusade.

4) Furthermore, Europe’s fear was such that the Crusade idea persisted well into the 17th century, and the conviction that, in certain circumstances, war might be just became more deeply enrooted in the conscience of the West. Along with the now generally accepted use of the word ‘Crusade’ to denote any ‘Common Endeavour in a Worthy Cause’ (Christian Jihad), this is one of the most enduring results of the movement.

After the bloodstained conversions in South America, the colonization of most of the free world by diplomacy, intimidation aggression and coercion took place. Pope Pius XII was obliged, under the pressures after World War II, to clarify and redefine the church’s teachings on war and peace as well as to work out a strategy of survival. Pope Pius XII , tacitly condoned the Nazi holocaust.

The deadly wars and large scale killings of people among weaker nations mostly Muslim which goes unabated on the pretext of war against terror lead by the American Evangelist and Neocons, the claim of love and peace by the Western (Christian) world appears to be hollow. The saying of Jesus (peace be upon him) is as much applicable to them as before:
“You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”(Mathew; 7:5).

Jihad Tolerance & Coexistence
Islam, the complete way of life has not ignored this important aspect, as at times war becomes unavoidable, especially against aggression. Islam is the only religion which laid down ethics and guiding principles for conduct of warfare as evident from form following verses deliberately ignored by the critics:

“Permission to fight back (Qital) is hereby granted to the believers against whom war is waged and because they are oppressed; certainly Allah has power to grant them victory” (Qur’an;22:39).

“If one amongst the pagans ask thee for asylum [in battle] grant it to him so that he may hear the word of Allah and then escort him to where he can be secure: that is because they are men without knowledge” (Qur’an;9:6).

“As for such ([of the unbelievers) as do not fight against you on account of (your] faith), and neither drive you forth from your homelands, God does not forbid you to show them kindness and to behave towards them with full equity: for, verily, God loves the equitable. Allah only forbids you to make friendship with those who fought you on account of your faith and drove you out of your homes and backed up others in your expulsion. Those who will take them for friends are indeed the wrongdoers. (Qur’an;60:8-9)

The Quranic verses related with the conduct of warfare in battlefield are frequently quoted out of their context, there by misleading the reader to misperceive Islam as a militant religion. It should be understood that in order to fully comprehend the doctrines of Qur’an one has to see the overall “The Message of The Qur’an” in the light of all the verses related to the particular subject [no abrogation] and their complete context, like the verse: “fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them”(Qur’an;9:5) is very popular among the critics of Islam but they do not quote the next verse: “If one amongst the pagans ask thee for asylum grant it to him so that he may hear the word of Allah and then escort him to where he can be secure: that is because they are men without knowledge.”(Qur’an;9:6).Quoting a verse or part of a verse in isolation does not serve the true purpose, this is the practice of followers of previous scriptures : “Then, for having broken their solemn pledge, We rejected them and caused their hearts to harden – [so that now] they distort the meaning of the [revealed] words, taking them out of their context; and they have forgotten much of what they had been told to bear in mind; and from all but a few of them thou wilt always experience treachery. But pardon them, and forbear: verily, God loves the doers of good.”(Qur’an; 5:13)

Jihad is a very important doctrine of Islam, which lays down guidelines and principles, to be adhered by a Muslim while striving against various forms of resistance; i.e. internal (against selfish desires and evil temptations) or external for the cause of God. Jihad is derived from the Arabic word ‘Juhd’, which means “effort”, verb Jahada, means “he struggled” or “strove hard” or “exerted himself”, namely, in a good cause and against evil. Consequently, Jihad denotes “striving in the cause of God” in the widest sense of this expression: that is to say, it applies not merely to physical warfare (qital) but to any righteous struggle in the moral sense as well; thus, for instance, the Prophet described man’s struggle against his own passions and weaknesses (Jihad An-Nafs) as the “Greatest Jihad” (Bayhaqi, on the authority of Jabir ibn ‘Abd Allah).

The great German scholar Muhammad Asad, who reverted Islam, in his commentary “The Message of Qur’an”, while explaining verse 2:190, writes: ‘This [2:190] and the following verses lay down unequivocally that only self-defence (in the widest sense of the word) makes war permissible for Muslims. Most of the commentators agree in that the expression la ta’tadu signifies, in this context, “do not commit aggression”; while by al-mu’tadin “those who commit aggression” are meant. The defensive character of a fight “in God’s cause” – that is, in the cause of the ethical principles ordained by God – is, moreover, self-evident in the reference to “those who wage war against you”, and has been still further clarified in 22:39 – “permission [to fight] is given to those against whom war is being wrongfully waged” – which, according to all available Traditions, constitutes the earliest (and therefore fundamental) Qur’anic reference to the question of Jihad, or holy war (see Tabari and Ibn Kathir in their commentaries on 22:39). That this early, fundamental principle of self-defence as the only possible justification of war has been maintained throughout the Qur’an is evident from 60:8, as well as from the concluding sentence of 4:91, both of which belong to a later period than the above verse. In view of the preceding ordinance, the injunction “slay them wherever you may come upon them” is valid only within the context of hostilities already in progress (Razi), on the understanding that “those who wage war against you” are the aggressors or oppressors (a war of liberation being a war “in God’s cause”). The translation, in this context, of fitnah as “oppression” is justified by the application of this term to any affliction which may cause man to go astray and to lose his faith in spiritual values (cf. Lisan al-’Arab). Consequently, the concept of a defensive war in God’s cause (Jihad) plays a very prominent role in the socio-political scheme of Islam and is frequently alluded to throughout the Qur’an. The general circumstances in which war is permitted are mentioned at verses 2:190-194, 22:39, 60:8-9.

Islam Laid Down Ethics and Rules for Conduct of Warfare
The great religion as Islam, that provides a complete code of life, also addressed the possibility of war. The code of conduct of warfare which Qur’an provides is more civilized than any in the whole history of humanity, the salient features are:

1) Warfare [Qital] for Allah’s Cause Only: Jihad Qur’an [including the form of warfare] is not for self glory or spoils of war but for the cause of Allah only.(Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 9.625).

2) Non Aggression, Self Defence: Initially the Muslims were not allowed to fight even for self defence, however when oppression exceeded the limits, Allah granted permission to the Muslims to fight for self defense (Qur’an;22:39).

“Fight for the cause of Allah those who fight against you, but do not commit aggression. Allah does not love aggressors. Kill them wherever you may find them, and drive them away from wherever they drove you away; for oppression is even worse than killing. However, do not fight them near the Sacred Mosque unless they fight you first there. Should they fight you, then kill them. Thus shall the unbelievers be rewarded. But, if they desist, know that Allah is Much Forgiving, Merciful. Fight them until there is no more oppression and submission is made to Allah. If they desist, let there be no hostility except against the wrongdoers.”(Qur’an;2:190-193).

3) Just War against Oppression: Jihad is meant to serve Allah’s cause ALONE to eliminate oppression and to ensure that people are given an opportunity to freely submit to the will of God.(Qur’an;8:39).

4) Kindness and Equity to Non Aggressors: Allah says: “As for such of the unbelievers who do not fight against you on account of your faith, and neither drive you forth from your homelands, Allah does not forbid you to show them kindness and to behave toward them with full equity. Indeed Allah loves those who act equitably. Allah only forbids you to turn in friendship toward such as fight against you because of your faith, and drive you forth from your homelands, or aid others in driving you forth. Those who turn toward them in friendship are truly wrongdoers.”(Qur’an;60:8-9).

5) Killing a believer, or innocent human not permitted: Qur’an;4:93, 5:32,17:33.

6) Mischief on Land Rejected: Qur’an;28:77,2:11-12, 2:60, 206, 3:63, 7:56).5:33-34.

7) Kindness to Non Combatants:(Qur’an; 60:8).

8) Suicide is not permissible: Qur’an;2:195,,4:29, Sahih Al Bukhari Hadith Numbr:8.126; Sahih Muslim Hadith. Number.486.

9) Resist Persecution: Qur’an;9:41;22:78; 3:29:6.

10) Freedom of Faith: Qur’an;2:256

11) Killing by Burning not Allowed: Sahih Al Bukhari, Hadith, Number.4.259, and 4.260).

12) Mutilation of the Dead Bodies is Prohibited: Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) prohibited to mutilate the dead bodies. (Sahih Muslim Hadith.804).

13) Treachery: “If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breaking off the treaty with them (through properly notifying them to that effect), for Allah does not love the treacherous.”(Qur’an;8:58).

14) Peace offer be Accepted: Allah says:” If the enemy is inclined towards peace, do make peace with them, and put your trust in Allah. He is the One Who hears all , knows all.”(Qur’an 8:61).

15) Care of Sick & Hungry Captives: Narrated Abu Musa: The Prophet said, “Free the captives, feed the hungry and pay a visit to the sick.(Sahih Al Bukhari, Hadith, Number.4.282).

16) Fulfilling Safe Conduct: Al Muwata Hadith, Number.21.12.

17) Grant of Asylum: Allah says: “If one amongst the pagans ask thee for asylum grant it to him so that he may hear the word of Allah and then escort him to where he can be secure: that is because they are men without knowledge.”(Qur’an;9:6).

18) Taking Prisoners of War: Qur’an;47:4, Qur’an;8:70-71.

19) Providing Cloths to Prisoners of War: Sahih Al Bukhari, Hadith, Number.4.252.

20) Prohibitions-of Killing Religious People, Women, Children, Aged, Sick People, Animals and Cutting Trees in Military Expeditions: Sahih Al Bukhari, Hadith, Number.4.257,258, . Al Muwata Hadith. Number;21.10.

21) Safety of Mosques, Churches and Synagogues: “Had not Allah repelled some people by the might of others, the monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which Allah’s praise is daily celebrated, would have been utterly demolished.”(Qur’an;22:40 also;2:114).

22) Mutilation of the dead bodies is prohibited: Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) prohibited to mutilate the dead bodies. (Sahih Muslim Hadith.804).

23) Women’s Role: The women are not required to participate in combat, as per Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 4.128, can provide water and medical aid.(Sahih Al Bukhari, Hadith, Number.4.134).

24) Exemption of Non Muslim Subject from Warfare: The non Muslims subjects who pay poll tax (Jazya) are exempted form military service and provided protection by the state.

Guidelines references for the conduct of warfare are summarized here:
1) To rescue the helpless oppressed old men, women, and children; 4:75
2) Obligatory; 2:216
3) Bigger Jihad (Jihad Kabira), through Qur’an (preaching) ;25:52.
4) In Allah’s cause, 4:74, 4:77, 4:84, 9:38-39, 9:41
5) Not for material gain, not to kill those seeking peace 4:94
6) Deliberate killing of believer, punishment is hell forever;4:93
7) Part of faith; 49:15
8) Warfare [Qatelu, wa-Qatalu]; 2:216-217; 4 89-91.
9) In self defense; 2:190; 22:39; 60:8; 4:91
10) Killing only during hostilities in progress, 2:191, 4:89, 4:91, 5:33, 8:39, 8:57, 9:5, 9:12 ; 9:1-6
11) Don’t fight nonbelievers who neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of your homes, treat them justly; 60:8
12) Aggression: Forbidden, 2:190, 4:90, 60:8 , Sin of, 5:2
13) Be brave, 4:104
14) Fighting between two groups of believers, 49:9
15) Do not acquire slaves except through war, 8:67
16) Do not be fainthearted crying for peace; 47:35
17) Exemptions, 9:122, 48:17
18) Asking for it for wrong reasons, 9:43, 9:45, 9:49, 9:86, 9:93
19) For helpless, 4:98, 9:91
20) For ill, offering Salah, 4:102, 9:91
21) If foes cease, then you must cease, 2:193, 4:90, 8:37, 8:61
22) Warfare forbidden during the four sacred months, 9:36 , Unless attacked, 2:194, 2:217
23) Free slaves after fighting ends, 47:4
24) Go forth humbly, 8:47
25) Prepare well, 8:60
26) Repentance of recent belligerents, 5:34, 9:5, 9:11
27) When ordained, 2:190-193, 2:216-217, 4:91, 22:39, 60:8
28) Striving hard against disbelievers, 9:73, 25:52, 66:9
29) Striving hard in Allah’s cause, 2:218, 3:142, 4:95, 5:35, 5:54, 8:72, 8:74-75, 9:16, 9:19-20, 9:24, 9:44, 9:86, 9:88, 22:78, 29:6, 29:69, 49:15, 60:1, 61:11
30) Non-believing parents trying to persuade a believer to polytheism, 29:8, 31:15
31) Don’t create mischief [fasaad] in land; 28:77; 2:11-12; 2:60, 206, 3:63, 7:56
32) Wards off evil from those who are true believers:22:38-40
33) Suicide not Permissible; 2:195 ; 4:29
34) Sins forgiven, those participate in the cause of Allah; 61:12-13; 4:95 3:157

Tolerance & Coexistence
35) No compulsion, coercion in religion; 2:256 , 6:104,107; 88:21-26; 6:66,107; 10:108; 25:43; 39:41; 42:6; 4:80; 42:48; 3:20; 5:99; 16:3524:54; 29:18;42:48; 31:23; 18:29;
36) Some believe, some disbelieve, God will judge; 7:87
37) Sanctity of Human life ; 17:33
38) Killing one innocent human like killing humanity; 5:32
39) Help and rescue the helpless oppressed old men, women, and children; 4:75
40) Warfare in self defense, Allah does not like transgressors.;2:190
41) Don’t fight nonbelievers who neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of your homes, treat them justly; 60:8
42) Friendship with non believers; 60:9
43) No compulsion, coercion in religion; 2:256 , 6:104,107; 88:21-26; 6:66,107; 10:108; 25:43; 39:41; 42:6; 4:80; 42:48; 3:20; 5:99; 16:3524:54; 29:18;42:48; 31:23; 18:29;
44) Preaching Islam with wisdom, fair exhortation, and reason; 16:125
45) Non believers rewarded [in this world]; 13:26; 10:7; 53:29; 3:113-115; 42:20; 28:83,84; 18:46’ 20:131
46) Non believers communities not destroyed for disbelief (only) if they behave righteously towards one an other; 11:117; 3:178
47) Muslims believe in all Previous Scriptures [Torah, Psalms, Gospel] & Prophets, Jews and Christians addressed honorability as “People of the Book”;3:199; 2:136,3:3-4, 57:26, 4:163, 2:79
48) Food [halal, permissible] of Christians and Jews allowed to be consumed; 5:5
49) Marriage with chaste Christians or Jewish women allowed; 5:5
50) Christians are nearest in affection to believers;5:82
51) Leave ignorant 7:199; 39:39-40; 109:4-6
52) Some believe, some disbelieve, Allah will judge; 7:87
53) Insult not whom they worship besides Allah; 6:108
54) Protect places of worship Mosques, Churches, Synagogues;22:40
55) Pardon; 5:13 , Bear with non-believers, 45:14 , Forgive readily, 42:36-37 , 2:109

The great historian De Lacy O’Leary wrote in “Islam At the Cross-roads”: “History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.”

Thomas Arnold, a former Christian missionary in India, who cannot be accused of being pro-Islam, in his famous book ‘The Preaching of Islam’, indicates that there have been certain periods where Muslim rulers have diverted from this tolerance, but it was due to a deviation from Islamic principles, rather than conformance to them. He concludes that the two primary reasons for the spread of Islam all over the world were merchants and the Sufis, two groups of people who went out, worked with humanity and gently invited others to their faith.

An article in Reader’s Digest ‘Almanac’, year book 1986, gave the statistics of the increase of percentage of the major religions of the world in half a century from 1934 to 1984. This article also appeared in ‘The Plain Truth’ magazine. At the top was Islam, which increased by 235%, and Christianity had increased only by 47%. May one ask, “Which war took place in this century which converted millions of people to Islam?”

Today the fastest growing religion in America and in Europe is Islam. Which sword is forcing people in the West to accept Islam in such large numbers? This is the spiritual sword of Truth and reason.

The question arises that if such are the principles for conduct of warfare in the cause of Allah alone [Jihad with arms], they why the Muslims conquered all the empires around Arabia and beyond? The answerer may be found in the next pint of rebuttal.

Objection # 6 : Lands must be Conquered:
According to Islamic teachings, the earth is Allah’s. If there are parts of the earth not following Islamic law, it is the duty of the faithful to gain control of that land and establish Shari’a. It is a sin to let it be. Lost lands must be reconquered (Spain and Israel, for example).

Bible and Qur’an agree that the God is the supreme Creator of universe: [Qur’an;59:24; Genesis;1:1,26] He is Absolute sovereign (Qur’an;59:23,5:28, Daniel;4:25,35), Mighty (Qur’an;2:255,11:66; Job;36:5) and Omnipotent (Qur’an;6:18,61; Geneses17:1; Exodus;6:3). He is the Lord of Universe: “Lord of the heavens and of the earth and all between them, and Lord of every point at the rising of the sun!”[Qur’an; 37:5]. “To Him belongs what is In the heavens and on earth, and all between them, and all beneath the soil.”[Qur’an; 20:6.]. “fill heaven and earth? says the LORD”[Jeremiah;23:24, 1Kings;8:27]. The whole universe belongs to Him, He does not need human help to gain control of land, which He has created and is the Lord:

“For, had God so willed, He could surely have made you all one single community; however, He lets go astray him that wills [to go astray], and guides aright him that wills [to be guided]; and you will surely be called to account for all that you ever did!”[Qur’an:16:93]

The gaining control of lands and people, for material gains, glory and power is not the objective of a good Muslim. [Already explained above in comments # 4] who has to understand, practice and then convey the message of God to the humanity in peaceful environments without coercions.[Qur’an;2:256, 16:25]

The message of Islam is to be conveyed to the humanity peacefully, the question arises then why the Muslims armies smashed the Persian, Byzantine and other empire around Arabia?

1) The answerer two folds, firstly according to the traditional procedure of Allah, if a Messenger (Rasool) himself delivers the message of guidance to the community or nations, and they became rebellious by refusing to accept it: then those nations and communities were entitled to divine punishment. (Qur’an; 5:33-34, 11:117, 13:32, 28:59, 65:8, 73:15-16). Allah says: “But those who disobey Allah and His Messenger and transgress His limits will be admitted to a fire, to abide therein: and They shall have a humiliating punishment.”(Qur’an;4:14). Besides punishment in hereafter, the punishment in this world is either through the followers of the messenger if they are strong enough, but if they are weak in numbers and strength then the Divine punishment befalls upon them through natural calamites resulting in their destruction. The example of Divine punishment to the nations of Noah, Aad, Samood and Lot (peace be upon them) in the form of destruction through natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, tornados etc are well recorded in Qur’an and Bible [Genesis; 7:1-24, 8:1-22, Ge 18:16-33; 19:1-29; De 23:17, 29:23; 32:32; Isa 1:9-10; 3:9; 13:19; Jer 23:14; Eze 16:46-56; Zep 2:9; Mt 10:15; Ro 9:29; 2Pe 2:6, Exodus;15:4. Qur’an 25:37, 26:171-174, 51:37, 54:41-42, 23:48, 41:16,7:78, 11:67, 11:82, 29:37-40]. The Jews continue to suffer for disobeying and humiliating Prophet Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary [peace be upon him]. A large number of Jews were killed by fellow men on command of God for disobedience to Moses and calf worship (Exodus;32:1-35).

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), prior to his death (632 C.E) had invited the rulers of neighboring powers to Islam through epistles and emissaries. Those who responded negatively, they were entitled for Divine punishment as per the tradition of God. After Prophet (peace be upon him), this pending task was accomplished by his successors by subduing the Byzantine and Persian empires. It is no more applicable now. Apart from Divine punishment the object of Jihad was not to coerce them to accept Islam, but to ensure that freedom of choice is provided to the people of neighboring areas to choose between truth (Haqq) and falsehood (Batil), forced conversion is prohibited by Qur’an;2:256. The non Muslims always enjoyed freedom of faith as protected citizens under Muslim rule. It is incorrect to consider every war fought by Muslims as Jihad. Jihad is the struggle only for the cause of Allah (jihad-fi-sabi-lillah): the concept of Jihad was nevertheless, used by some medieval Muslim rulers (even presently by some groups) to justify wars motivated by self power, sectarianism, geographical and economic ambitions.

After the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in 632 C.E, initially the early Muslim caliphates, the Arabs, then the Persians and later the Turks set about to convey the message of Islam to the humanity. The tyrant oppressor rulers did not allow the freedom to convey the message of Islam to their people. It was different world to 21st century. They had to be subdued in order to free the people from oppression and listen to the message of Islam. “… so that he may hear the word of Allah and then escort him to where he can be secure: that is because they are men without knowledge” (Qur’an;9:6). In process they created classical Islamic civilization. Later, in the 13th century, both Africa and India became great centers of Islamic civilization and soon thereafter Muslim kingdoms were established in the Far East in Malay-Indonesian world while Muslims flourished in China with the efforts of Muslim traders and preachers. It is unprecedented in the history of mankind wherein the uncivilized people of the desert, became torch bearers of the great civilization of the world with in a short period of 23 years. It was only possible due to the strict adherence to the faith of Islam, its doctrine, beliefs and practices, effectively preached and demonstrated by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). His successors carried forward his mission with zeal and devotion, enjoining good and forbidding evil; and observing the limits set by Allah.

The super power status facilitated in extending the Muslim influence and in conveying the message of Islam world over, even in the areas not directly under Muslim rule. Forced conversion is forbidden in Islam (Qur’an;2:256), as evident that, despite Muslim rule in Spain, India and Eastern Europe for centuries, the majority of population remained non Muslim and freely continued to practice their faith. Where as, after the end of eight centuries of Muslim rule in Spain (711-1492 C.E) Muslims and Jews were forced to convert to Christianity and those who declined, were expelled by force. The Muslim traders and preachers through their good conduct and moral righteousness achieved the miracle of conversion in Indonesia, Malaysia in the Far East. The East coast of Africa as far down as Mozambique, as well as the bulk of the inhabitants on the West coast of the continent are Muslims, but history does not record any invading hoards of Muslims from anywhere. This forced De Lacy O’Leary in to write: ‘History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.’ (“Islam at the Crossroads’’ London, 1923, p.8). Despite all the negative propaganda by the hostile media, even after 9/11, Islam remains the fastest growing religion in North America and Europe, no one is carrying the sword to force the conversion. The Muslim conquests of the seventh century and thereafter have continued to play an important role in human history, down to the present day due to the significance and capacity of Islamic civilization to influence the humanity, which emerged from the direction provided by Islam in the moral, spiritual, sociopolitical, economic and all other aspects of human life.

In present time the above mentioned two reasons are no more applicable. Under UN Character, people enjoy the freedom to preach and practice any religion. More over the latest communication like, satellite TV channels and internet have brought the people ever closer in a global village. They can freely communicate, so Islam is the fastest growing religion. The lost lands can be reconquered not with sword and guns but with the sword of spirit of Divine message.

Objection # 7: Polygamy to provide new soldiers for Warfare:
According to Shari’a law, a Muslim man can marry up to four wives, and he can have sex with as many slave girls as he wishes.

Polygyny: The idea that polygamy is practiced to produce more soldiers is absurd, not worthy of comments because it was more of social welfare measure to look after the widows, orphans and to provide respectable household in a society where women outnumber the males. However some general comments are proffered.

Common Practice in Bible: Polygyny has been practiced since ages. The most glaring and reprehensible error committed by Western writers is to suppose that Islam either adopted or legalized polygene. In none of the other religious scriptures, whether it be the Bible, the Vedas, the Ramayan, the Mahabharat or the Geeta, there is no restriction on the number of wives, a man may possess. According to these scriptures one can marry as many women as one wishes. It was only later, that the Hindu priests and the Christian Church restricted the number of wives to one. The Bible did not condemn polygene. To the contrary, the Old Testament and Rabbinic writings frequently attest to the legality of polygene. King Solomon (peace be upon him) is said to have 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings;11:3) Also, King David (peace be upon him) is said to have had many wives and concubines (2 Samuel;5:13). The Old Testament does have some injunctions on how to distribute the property of a man among his sons from different wives (Deutronomy;22:7). The only restriction on polygyny is a ban on taking a wife’s sister as a rival wife (Leviticus;18:18), though Prophet Jacob (peace be upon him) married two sisters Leah and Rachel. The Talmud advises a maximum of four wives. European Jews continued to practice polygamy until the sixteenth century. Oriental Jews regularly practiced polygamy until they arrived in Israel where it is forbidden under civil law. However, under religious law which overrides civil law in such cases, it is permissible. Father Eugene Hillman in his insightful book, ‘Polygamy reconsidered’ writes, “Nowhere in the New Testament is there any explicit commandment that marriage should be monogamous or any explicit commandment forbidding polygamy.” Moreover, Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) has not spoken against polygamy though it was practiced by the Jews of his society. Father Hillman stresses the fact that the Church in Rome banned polygamy in order to conform to the Greco-Roman culture (which prescribed only one legal wife while tolerating concubinage and prostitution). He cited St. Augustine; “Now indeed in our time, and in keeping with Roman custom, it is no longer allowed to take another wife.” African churches and African Christians often remind their European brothers that the Church’s ban on polygyny is a cultural tradition and not an authentic Christian injunction. Bishop and Deacon are asked to have one wife [1 Timothy;3:2,12], indicating widely practiced polygyny.

In Islam Legal Permission and Moral Prohibition: The Qur’an is the only religious book, that contains the phrase ‘marry only one’, (the legal permission) with instructions of ‘justice’, which is difficult, hence a moral prohibition. The permission (not order) granted to Muslim men to marry up to four women is generally misunderstood.

Various scholars have interpreted the Qur’anic verses;4:2-3; 4:129. in different ways, Abdullah Yousaf Ali explains; ‘The conditional clause about orphans need to be noticed, introducing the rules about marriage. The immediate occasion of the promulgation of this verse was after battle of Uhud, when the Muslim community was left with many orphans and widows and some captives of war. Their treatment was to be governed by principles of the greatest humanity and equity. The occasion is past, but the principles remain. Marry the orphans if one are quite sure that in that way the interests of orphans and their property will be protected, with perfect justice. If this is not possible then other arrangements may be made for the orphans.’ The clause of treating wives with ‘equity and justice’ (Qur’an;4:129) puts a ‘moral restriction’ on polygyny. The Sunnah of Prophet and Companions indicate the existence of more than wives, but may be that they could be fair at least in the matters of equitable provisions, however one can not control the heart, which may be more inclined to one wife over the others. By keeping more than one wife, one is putting himself on and additional trial, any slip may result in to divine anger and retribution. Some Muslim countries have banned polygyny basing on the analogy of ‘impossibility of equity and justice beyond human control’. The concept of temporary marriage (Mutt’a) is not permissible among four Sunni schools of jurisprudence.

The Qur’an has “tolerated” or “allowed” polygyny, and no more. There are places and times in which there are compelling reasons for polygyny. In most human societies, females outnumber males. Islam as a universal religion suitable for all places and all times couldn’t ignore these compelling reasons. It has to be added also that polygyny in Islam is a matter of mutual consent. No one can force a woman to marry a married man. The abuse of polygyny and repudiation of wife by the husband, even when her conduct is faultless, has recently led to the enactment of reformed family laws in most Muslim countries. The Qur’an repeatedly emphasizes the kind treatment of women.

Slave Girls: Slavery has been abolished gradually, it was only permissible for the captive in war. Contrary to the popular view and the practice of many Muslims in the past centuries, neither the Qur’an nor the life-example of the Prophet provides any sanction for sexual intercourse without marriage. Explains Muhammad Asad, in ‘The Message of Qur’an’ while explaining verses 4:24,25, 24:32-33. He further writes; some of the most outstanding commentators hold the view that ma malakat aymanukum denotes “women whom you rightfully possess through wedlock”; thus Razi in his commentary on this verse, and Tabari in one of his aternative explanations (going back to ‘Abd Allah ibn ‘Abbas, Mujahid, and others). Razi, in particular, points out that the reference to “all married women” (al-muhsanat min an-nisa’), coming as it does after the enumeration of prohibited degrees of relationship, is meant to stress the prohibition of sexual relations with any woman other than one’s lawful wife.

“AND [you ought to] marry the single from among you as well as such of your male and female slaves as are fit [for marriage].”[Qur’an;24:32], “And if any of those whom you rightfully possess desire [to obtain] a deed of freedom, write it out for them if you are aware of any good in them: and give them [their share] of the wealth of God which He has given you. And do not, in order to gain some of the fleeting pleasures of this worldly life, coerce your [slave] maidens into whoredom if they happen to be desirous of marriage; and if anyone should coerce them, then, verily, after they have been compelled [to submit in their helplessness), God will be much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace!” [Qur’an;24:33],

The Qur’an especially encourages men to marry widows. This is an important idea to add if you are going to be losing a lot of soldiers in war. You need some way of replenishing your army. Otherwise the idea-collection could die out from a lack of offspring.

There is no verse in Qur’an which talk of marriage with a widow, but three verses [2:234, 240, 33:53] emphasize equitable and kind treatment with a widow. However marrying a widow is not to use her as soldier producing machine but a social welfare measure, which: 1) provide her social security and respectable status in society. 2) Care of her children, family and financial needs. 3) Discourage bad practices like illicit sexual relationship or prostitution. This aspect can not be understood for people living in a society where standards of morality are quite different. The Prophet [pbuh] said, “The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid (warrior) who fights for Allah’s Cause, or like him who performs prayers all the night and fasts all the day.” [Sahih Al Bukhari Hadith # 7.265]

New Testament has this to say about widows: “The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband lives; but if her husband is dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord. But she is happier if she so abide, after my judgment: and I think also that I have the Spirit of God”[1Corinthians; 7:39-40]. “Honor widows that are widows indeed. But if any widow has children or grandchildren, let them learn first to show piety at home, and so repay their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God.” [1Timothy;5:3-4]. “But the younger widows refuse: for when they have begun to grow wanton against Christ, they will marry;” [1Timothy 5:11].

Objection # 8: It is a punishable offense to criticize Islam:
You can see why this one is a good supporting idea for the collection. It helps suppress any ideas that would reduce the authority of Islamic ideas. This idea is in the Qur’an, and Mohammad set a fierce example of punishing people who criticized him or Islam.

This is nothing but fabricated false accusation, no one be it Christian, Jews, Buddhist or Hindu would like criticism of his faith so the Muslims. However calling it ‘punishable’ indicate trial and punishment in court. Where as the verses mentioned indicate divine punishment here and hereafter. Verses from Qur’an;33:57,58:5, 22:3,7, 11,15, 19 & 25 quoted are general in nature, a warning to disbelievers for swear punishment in hell in hereafter for their disbelief and bad deeds, they are cursed in this world and hereafter. While in verse 65:10, 22:14, 23 the believers have given the good news of reward in hereafter for their faith and good works. Warning and Good News is normal in almost all the religions including Christianity and Judaism, the eschatology include the concept of hell and paradise so in Islam.

Bible: “For a fire is kindled in my anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with its increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains”[Deuteronomy 32:22]. “You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the judgment of hell?”[Matthew 23:33], “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”[Matthew 13:42], “But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: Fear him, who after he has killed has power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him”[Luke 12:5].“And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto you, Today shall you be with me in paradise”[Luke 23:43]. “You have been in Eden the garden of God;”[Ezekiel 28:13]

Qur’an: “If your Lord had so willed, He would have certainly made mankind one single nation but that is not what He wants, so they will continue to differ. Except those on whom He has bestowed His mercy; and that very freedom of choice and action is the whole purpose of their creation. That is how the Word of your Lord, that He will fill Hell with jinns and human beings all together, will be fulfilled.”[Qur’an;11:118-119]

“Ask them: “Which is better, this hell or the eternal paradise which the righteous are being promised, which will be the reward of their good deeds and also their final destination; wherein they will live forever and get everything that they wish for: and this is the promise worth praying for, which your Rabb is going to fulfill.”[Qur’an;25:15-16]

The example of Divine punishment to the nations of Noah, Aad, Samood and Lot (peace be upon them) in the form of destruction through natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, tornados etc are well recorded in Qur’an and Bible [Genesis; 7:1-24, 8:1-22, Ge 18:16-33; 19:1-29; De 23:17, 29:23; 32:32; Isa 1:9-10; 3:9; 13:19; Jer 23:14; Eze 16:46-56; Zep 2:9; Mt 10:15; Ro 9:29; 2Pe 2:6, Exodus;15:4. Qur’an 25:37, 26:171-174, 51:37, 54:41-42, 23:48, 41:16,7:78, 11:67, 11:82, 29:37-40]. Same is repeated: “How many cities have turned away from the command of their Lord and His messengers! Therefore, We judged them severely and punished them with a harsh punishment. They tasted the evil consequences of their own behavior, and the consequences of their behavior were ruinous”[Qur’an;65:8].

Sins are punished by God in this world, hereafter or in both. In Muslim countries the non believers are not punished for their disbelief, as long as they do not commit an act of blasphemy openly. The crimes or offense like Blasphemy are punishable through court of law according to the nature of offence. Muslims love their Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] even more than their children, parents even own life. Any blasphemy against him like making fun through caricatures etc is not freedom of expression or criticism. In most of the European countries even Holocaust denial is a punishable crime. Muslims love and respect Prophet Jesus Christ, the son of Mary [pbuh], they will even accept any blasphemy against him.
[Allah knows the best]

Objection # 9: You can’t leave Islam once you’re in:

Apostasy: The Bible prescribes death by stoning for apostasy: “You shall stone him to death with stones, because he sought to draw you away from the LORD your God..”(Deutronomy;13:10). Apostasy has always been considered as a capital offence in all the religions and political systems of the world, because it is considered as a high treason against the established norms of society. The pagan Romans brutally killed the early Christians on same ground. Subsequently this practice was repeated by the Christian Church against opposing Christians, who were killed and burnt alive. Certain church theologians of the 4th and 5th centuries considered apostasy to be as serious as adultery and murder. In the 20th century, the Roman Catholic Code of Canon Law still imposed the sanction of excommunication for those whose rejection of the faith fitted the technical definition of apostasy. Death penalty for apostasy remained in force in England for long time. It was abolished due to social and cultural developments.

In early Islam, the pagans of Makkah, and Jews of Medina used to indulge in this practice to gain intelligence and to demoralize the fragile expanding Muslim community of Median. Hence apostasy is considered as a major sin in Islam. Whether it is punishable by Islamic law is a debatable matter among Muslim scholars. Some believe that the apostate should be punished after trial because they consider this crime as a betrayal, high treason against the community, while others opine that if someone changes his faith and does not challenge the Islamic society, it is a matter between him and Allah, Who will punish him in hereafter. However, both opinions agree that it is a major worst form of sin punishable by Allah. As per Qur’an; “Those who turn back as apostates after Guidance was clearly shown to them the Evil One has instigated them and buoyed them up with false hopes.”(Qur’an;47:25). Allah’s Apostle (peace be upon him) is reported to have said, “The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits adultery and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith:9.17). Non-Muslims are allowed to teach their faith to their followers, but they are not allowed to go against the mainstream of the Muslim society.

Blasphemy: In many societies blasphemy in some form or another has been an offense punishable by law. The Mosaic Law decreed death by stoning as the penalty for the blasphemer :“Bring forth him that has cursed outside the camp; and let all that heard him lay their hands upon his head, and let all the congregation stone him. And you shall speak unto the children of Israel, saying, Whosoever curses his God shall bear his sin. And he that blasphemes the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemes the name of the LORD, shall be put to death.” [Leviticus 24:14-16]. In Christianity, blasphemy has been regarded as a sin by moral theologians; St. Thomas Aquinas described it as a sin against faith. Under the Byzantine emperor Justinian I (reigned 527-565) the death penalty was decreed for blasphemy. In the United States many states have legislation aimed at the offense. In Scotland until the 18th century it was punishable by death, and in England it is both a statutory and a common-law offense. It was recognized as the latter in the 17th century; the underlying idea apparently was that an attack on religion is necessarily an attack on the state. This idea probably has been the reason why penalties have been laid down for blasphemy in some secular legal codes.

Muslim consider it is blasphemy to speak contemptuously not only of God [and His Word, Qur’an] but also of Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him]. The non Muslims should respect this and should not do any action which may hurt the feelings of 1.5 billion people. Muslims believe and respect all the Biblical prophets and revelations of God till Jesus Christ [pbuh] and don’t differentiate among them.[Qur’an2:136], they respect their places of worship [Qur’an22:40] and not to revile the deities of non Muslims[Qur’an; 6:108].

In the present era all the signatories of UN charter have to see that the covenant is not against the spirit of Islam: “You shall fulfill your covenants; surely you shall be held accountable for your pledges.”[Qur’an;17:34]; “O believers! Be true to your covenants!”[Qur’an;5:1]. The term ‘aqd (“covenant”) denotes a solemn undertaking or engagement involving more than one party. According to Raghib, the covenants referred to in this verse “are of three kinds: the covenants between God and man [i.e., man’s obligations towards God], between man and his own soul, and between the individual and his fellow-men” – thus embracing the entire area of man’s moral and social responsibilities.

Objection # 10: Islam must be your first allegiance:
You are a Muslim first, before any allegiance you give to your family, your tribe, or your country. This does two things: It causes a unity of people across borders which allows the group to grow bigger than any other entity. In other words, the “Nation of Islam” can grow bigger than any country, no matter how large (which gives the group a massive numerical advantage).

The Islam has the unique concept of one Ummah, this Arabic word has very large meanings; it is timeless includes all believers and worshippers of only One God, past, present and future. Ummah is best translated as Brotherhood, “Community”, “race”, and “nation,” and “people” are words which import other ideas and do not quite correspond to “Ummah”. “Religion” and “Way of Life” are derived meanings, which could be used in other passages according to context. The people of very different temperaments and virtues, widely different in time, race, color, language, surroundings, history, and work to be performed, but forming the closest brotherhood as being men and women united in the highest service of Allah. They prefigure the final and perfected Brotherhood of Islam. The brotherhood of all followers of Islamic monotheism is one brotherhood:

“Verily, This brotherhood [Ummah] of yours is a single brotherhood, and I am your Lord and Cherisher: Therefore serve me (and no other).”[Qur’an;21:92, 23:52]
Allah’s Message was and ever is one; and His all Messengers [Adam, Noah, Abraham Jacob, Moses to Jesus Christ and Muhammad (peace be upon them all)] treated it as one. It is people of narrower views who come later and trade on the earlier names that break up the Message and the Brotherhood into jarring camps and sects.

“But (later generations) cut off their affair (of unity), one from another: (yet) will They all return to us. Whoever works any act of righteousness and has Faith,- His endeavour will not be rejected: we shall record it In His favour.).”[Qur’an;21:93-94, 23:52]
“But they (mankind) have broken their religion among them into sects, each sect rejoicing in its tenets. So leave them in their error till a time.” [Qur’an;23:53-54]

Hence those calling themselves as Jews and Christians are to be reconciled to be part of this biggest brotherhood:

“The believers are but a single Brotherhood: so make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive mercy.” [Qur’an;49:10]

The revival of the Muslim Brotherhood in some form is the greatest social ideal of Islam. On it was based the Prophet’s Sermon at his last pilgrimage, all peaceful endeavors be made to realized this ideal in suitable form. One way to that Muslims should continue to: “Invite (all) to the way of Thy Lord with wisdom and preaching; and argue with them In ways that are best and Most gracious: for Thy knows best, who have strayed from His path, and who receive guidance.” [Qur’an;16:125]

Some people think that Muslim Ummah should be one political unit at global level under the Caliph and they try to resort to all means including violence to achieve it. The UN, EU, Common Wealth and many other organization of cooperation exist, OIC is a loose forum to debate issues faced by Muslims. What ever form of forum or institution is desired to be developed it should not create anarchy, bloodshed or fasad fil ardh but peace. It must be ensured that any such movement should not be based in interpretation of one or two verses but be based upon the over al concepts of Qur’an to ensure that it does not contradict with any verse of Qur’an [no abrogation].

“Unto every one of you have We appointed a [different] law [Shari’a] and way of life [minhaj]. And if God had so willed, He could surely have made you all one single community: but [He willed it otherwise] in order to test you by means of what He has vouchsafed unto, you. Vie, then, with one another in doing good works! Unto God you all must return; and then He will make you truly understand all that on which you were wont to differ.” [Qur’an;5:48]

By origin mankind were a single people or nation [Qur’an;4:1, 2:213]. That being so Allah could have kept all alike, with one language, one kind of disposition, and one set of physical conditions (including climate) to live in. But in His wisdom, He gives diversity to human in these things, not only at any given time, but in different periods and ages. This tests human capacity for Unity (Wahdaniyat) still more, and accentuates the need of Unity and Islam. The term Shari’a is used in the Qur’an to denote a system of law necessary for a community’s social and spiritual welfare. The term minhaj, on the other hand, denotes an “open road”, usually in an abstract sense: that is, “a way of life”. The terms Shari’a and minhaj are more restricted in their meaning than the term din, which comprises not merely the laws relating to a particular religion but also the basic, unchanging spiritual truths which, according to the Qur’an, have been preached by every one of God’s apostles, while the particular body of laws (Shari’a) promulgated through them, and the way of life (minhaj) recommended by them, varied in accordance with the exigencies of the time and of each community’s cultural development. This “unity in diversity” is frequently stressed in the Qur’an (in the first sentence of 2:148, in 21:92-93, or in 23:52). Because of the universal applicability and textual incorruptibility of its teachings – as well as of the fact that the Prophet Muhammad is “the seal of all prophets”, i.e., the last of them (Qur’an;33:40) – the Qur’an represents the culminating point of all revelation and offers the final, perfect way to spiritual fulfillment. Thus now believing and following Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] is obligatory [Qur’an;47:2]. This uniqueness of the Qur’anic message does not, however, preclude adherents of earlier faiths, who by chance could not receive the message of Qur’an, from attaining to God’s grace: for – as the Qur’an so often points out – those among them who believe uncompromisingly in the One God and the Day of Judgment (i.e., in individual moral responsibility) and live righteously “need have no fear, and neither shall they grieve”.

Objection # 11:Dying while fighting for Islam is the ONLY way to guarantee a man’s entrance into Paradise:

This belief creates fearless, enthusiastic warriors, especially given the Qur’an’s vivid descriptions of the sensuous delights of Paradise. A Muslim man has a chance of getting to Paradise if he is a good Muslim, but it is not guaranteed. However, if he dies while fighting for Islam, he is guaranteed to get in, and that’s the only thing he can do to guarantee it.


The Islamic Doctrine of Redemption, Salvation:
Muslims offer whole selves and possessions to Allah, and Allah gives them Salvation.
“Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the Garden (of Paradise): They Fight In His Cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him In truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur’an: and who is more faithful to His Covenant than Allah. then rejoice In the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme.”[Qur’an; 9:111]

This is the true doctrine of redemption: and we are taught that this is the doctrine not only of the Qur’an but of the earlier Revelations, the original Law of Moses and the original Gospel of Jesus Christ. Any other view of redemption is rejected by Islam, especially that which corrupted the teachings of Jesus Christ to create Christianity, which thinks that some other person suffered for our sins and we are redeemed by his blood. It is our self-surrender that counts, not other people’s merits. Our complete self-surrender may include fighting for the cause, both spiritual and physical. As regards actual fighting with the sword there has been some difference in theological theories at different times, but very little in the practice of those who framed those theories. The Jewish wars were ruthless wars of extermination. The Old Testament does not mince matters on this subject. In the New Testament St. Paul, in commending the worthy fruits of Faith, mentions Gideon, Barak, and other warriors of the Old Testament as his ideals, “Who through faith subdued kingdoms… waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens…” (Hebrews;11:32-34). The monkish morality of the Gospels in their present form has never been followed by any self-respecting Christian or other nation in history. Nor is it common-sense to ignore lust of blood in unregenerate man as a form of evil which has to be combated “within the limits, set by Allah”.

Fighting in the ‘Cause of Allah’ is prerequisite, fighting for the worldly gains, power and plunder under the guise of Jihad will not earn paradise by hell. [Jihad has already been explained above, for details:] u
[To be concluded]

The Holy Qur’an, translation and commentary by; Abdullah Yousaf Ali, M.Asad, ‘Tafheem ul Qur’an’ by Syed Abul ala Moududi. ‘Mu’arif Qura’n’ by Muhammad Shafi. “An Introduction To The Sciences Of The Qur’an”[Ulum Al Quran] BY Ahmad Von Denffer The index of subjects in Qur’an by Engineer Abudl Hakim Malik, Islamic Research Foundation Pakistan. A General Introduction to Islam’, translation by Raja F.M.Majed of original Arabic book “Ta’rif Am bi- Din il-Islam”by Sheikh Ali Al Tantawi. Shi’aism; by Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai, Translated By Sayyid Husayn Nasr. Encyclopedia Britannica. The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, by John Espostto. Alim software. The Bible: Word of God or Word of Man? By S.S.K.Joommal. The Bible, King James Version 1611. The Bible, containing The Old and New Testaments, Revised Standard Version by WM, Collins Sons & Co, Ltd. Great Britain. Darby Translation of the Bible; by John Nelson Darby. ‘. The New World Dictionary-Concordance to the New American Bible’ by Nihi Obstat. Anti Islamic web sites/blogs like: , Books and articles by Brig Aftab Khan, published in DJ available at:,,

Aftab Khan
Brigadier Aftab Ahmad Khan (R) Is a freelance writer, researcher, and blogger. He holds Masters in Political Science, Business Admin, and Strategic Studies. He has spent over two decades in exploration of The Holy Quran, other Scriptures, teachings & followers. He has been writing for “The Defence Journal” since 2006. He has authored over over 50 ebooks. His work is available at , accessed by over 4.5 Millions. Presently he working on “Islamic Revival” [Tejdeed al-Islam]. He can be reached at

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